Seat belt tix in Lancaster?

lets say I got very lucky and was only issued a seat belt ticket on the 90 tonight in lancaster. Anyone have a round about price for the fine? im going to mail the ticket in and plead not guilty

Idk about here, but in cali seatbelt tickets were crazy expensive. Iirc somewhere upwards of $350. Good luck, maybe theyre easier on you here.

they go on your record and raise your insurance premiums. I can attest to this

cheektowaga was 50 bux, plead not guilty fuck it

Trooper assured me it wouldnt. its not a moving violation

then he lied to you. lol
no points but show on your record= increase, things like Cell phone ticket, seat belt wont get your license supened if you get too many but will jack up your rates.

Edit: showup on your court date and pleed it down to a parking violation. the only way it stays off your record.

yeah I plan to plead not guilty and have it reduced. I assume if i was to plead guilty, it would go on my record. Looks like I need to take the defensive class online for my 10% discount

NYS dosnt let you get the 10% off if you do the online class. u have to go sit in a class for it :frowning:

if he pulled you over for something worse than a seat belt ticket, and let you off with a seat belt ticket, I would plead guilty if you ever want to be let off again. Police get pretty mad when they do you a favor and you still ask for it to be reduced.

fill me in on something I dont know here. A cop can see court records of my last offense and how I had a seat belt ticket reduced? and he will also know that I was given a lighter ticket than I should have truly rec’d? The trooper was super cool and told me to take the seat belt ticket so I would receive no points or increase in ins premiums.

The cop will be informed that you are pleading not guilty because he needs to submit his side of the story. He then remembers that he let you off, and that you are still trying to get out of it. This angers him that you aren’t taking responsibility for your actions and looks for you when on patrol to see if he can find anything to ticket you for.

it happened to my dad.


---------- Post added at 12:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:08 PM ----------

what is the point of having a online class then? just the points reduction. thats gay

ive had 2 no seatbelt tickets and mailed them both in guilty and never had anything show up and my insurance never went up…

Ya in NY seat belt tickets arent really a good thing from people i have talked to that got them.

WTF why am I getting different stories? anyone gotten one in lancaster? if so, how did you plead and what happened.

Go to court plead it down. then drive on your best behavior. put your front plate back on, and don’t worry about it.

lol front plate has always been on. it looks like the fine is only 50 bucks but Im worried about the insurance increases now.

What is the seat belt law in New York State?
New York State law requires all front seat passengers to wear seat belts. Children under the age of 16 must wear seat belts when they are in the front seat or the back seat. Children under the age of four must ride in safety seats. See the information above about safety restraint systems required for children until their 8th birthday.

The penalty for a seat belt or car seat violation is a fine of up $50. If the violation is for a person under the age of 16, the driver receives a maximum fine of $100 and three driver violation points upon conviction.

< got one of those from a trooper in clarence was 85 for the ticket and a surcharge of 50 i seem to recall. no points etc…

how did you plead?

What were you REALLY doing lol