Second vote to permanantly ban Ahmed (rogerthat240)

just scrap it out…then talk shit

^^^^ ahahaha well said

U.F.C 240: fobwall vs ahmed last man concious is the winner no rules

^^^hey wait a second, what about me ??

ok tagg team hector and mark vr. ahmed

hector and me vs ahmed?

I think hector alone can take on son240…

The first “ban ahmed” thread, he PM’d me with a link to his car’s “build thread”.

He handled my criticism maturely, and actually answered the accusations I made of him.

However… this time seems to be a little more childish.

Fastback, why don’t you posted up the whole PM convo you two have had… let us see a little bit of both sides.

There better be a fukn video made of this brown dude gettn pumbled…

I will be really upset if I don’t get to see it


he pmed me saying --------

Yup, having a heavy knob that doesn’t burn my hand is ‘retarded’ and a fail.

I’m sure you’ll enjoy driving around with a metal shift knob on track or in some nice heavy sun weather

-------------my reply------------
when did i say that its retarted not to have one?

did you pm everyone who wants one? or just me? tool.
-------his reply to mine--------
Tool? That’s puny white boy talk

I msg’d you so that i do not ruin another thread alongside you retards posting useless instigating posts. Get a life.

my reply to that was-----------------
Originally Posted by fastback240
you mean you just dident want to get owned again.

his rely again-----------------
yo retard stop imagining things. Who is owning who? I diss the fuck out of 20 of you morons. It takes all your combined power to make an insult. Quite frankly I speak to you like an animal because you are talking like an animal. I’ll disrespect every single one of you if you keep showing no respect either. Worthless.

in regards to this thread

ha !
when did he send those to you, seems you pissed him off. lol

i uno yesterday??

WHAT!!! naw naw naw… Hector that good eh!!! i want to take on Hector, just for fun! cause we dont got beef! lol

dude i just read the thread, are these guys serious? Shows how emberassing they are they dnot know what they are talking about. The reason I spoke to you maturely is because you spoke to me maturely. I made it clear I’ll talk down on their level if they speak with no respect. It’s comon-sense really if they speak like incomprehensible idiots to me I’ll talk back the same way, doesn’t mean I’m actually like that.

They are living off in their own fantasy world, just as the claim that im banned on ‘every other forum’ yet they cant name any of those ‘all every other forums’. I was banned on here for the obvious reasons of dealing with ppl like this before and on zilvia for insulting the american military/soldiers (who happen to be mods on zilvia). That is all. Likewise their fantasy lives on talking about my car which they know nothing about nor do i want them to (thats why they never will at the end of the day) and lastly they know nowthing about me except the lies and little misinfo that mark can stir up. Mark is at the bottom of it all. He knows why, deep inside he has issues and envy lol I’m serious man.

Anyways this is just a message to you don’t be childish yourself and go copy pasting, I could have as well copied convos of mark’s idiocy from MSN as well in the past but i didnt. I speak like a normal human being to normal human beings. These guys are pumped up with stupidity and ill manners.

I’ve been called arab, brown, white jewish, latino, what else? Like mega hilarious lol… they have not said but a single piece of truth except bullshit in the whole thread with the intent of stirring up trouble that iss all. I mock them because they mock me to begin with. They know nothing about me or my life or my car only wishful thinking. This is why I hated son240 before, they live on in their own little world of assumptions thinking they know best, so i left, i found other people who actually were open minded and knew what theyre talking about. Learned and moved on. Came back here for fun and the sales section then tried to re-engage in the community but no go with the likes of mark instigating problems and a few other clowns who act like him.

Honestly its not a problem to deal with mature people maturely… its another thing when dealing with nincompoops who cant even speak or know their place when they speak.

Just a message for you because you’ve shown me respect and maturity in the past. No need to copy paste thats just childish.

Fastback240 or whatever his name msgd me calling me a retard or not knowing anything or whatever because i talked about the heavy shift knob, so i responded back and he responded back imaturely and so i responded with that msg. They talk like animals so quite frankly dont ever expect to be talked back like a human just dont blame me or accuse me of being the one with no manners. I have every right to insult back and insulting a disrespectful person.

You see? Quite simple how I could speak to you dilligently with manners if you do nothing to me. If you do something to me obviously I’ll react. Quite common-sense

Anyways I wont post in that thread because its just pure jokes. Just the usual clueless bullshit. And seriously thye wana fight me too LOL… pretty brave of internet warriors… again they know nothing about me, how can they come to such childish conclusions with confidence?.. pure imaturity… and believe me I dont have to prove myself about anything heh…

Okay. My whole opinion changed. Fuck ahmed. Want proof? go read the pics of the day.

Ban or bust.

lmao, he ain’t brown bro:cool:

the reason he hasnt been banned yet is because all he has been doing is reacting to what ppl doing to him! Im not talking sides to tuff but as an outsider looking in that what im seeing!

jr. your my hero as well.


hahaha epic.

Because I posted this convo in Drama (members section) most people couldn’t see it…and Ahmed, I’ll post it for you since you mentioned it. EDIT: This was a convo on MSN…Ahmed msged me.

Ahmed+Sadia 4Eva said:
lmao fag
i sked a question
then u started shit
u deserve to be dissed ur a faggot

Maяk - said:
lol how old are u

Ahmed+Sadia 4Eva says:
older than you

Maяk - says:
then that’s sad

Ahmed+Sadia 4Eva says:
i dont need a lecture from THE biggest hypocrite fag in the world and thats you

Maяk - says:
really sad

Ahmed+Sadia 4Eva says:
no its not sad
and ur not funny
deep inside u know it and i know it
ur a loser
u need attention

Maяk - says:
i feel sorry for u man
im sorry

Ahmed+Sadia 4Eva says:
u need comfort and recognition
u need to be loved
and ur not loved
ur desperate to be loved
ur not funny at all no matter how hard u try
and im not ‘owned’ buy anybody on there if it takes 10 ppl to ‘own’ one person
quite frankly i showed what u guys really are about
i dont pick no damn fights u start it anyways
and seriously man get urself checked up
u really need help
otherwise some fags will again do what they did n come to ur home (which is retarded but serves u right being just as retarded)
i get a chuckle out of the comments
not to mention lies u guys spread amongst each other about me LOL keep believing them
its pathetic at best
most of u have no frickin lives
but u specifically have some personal issues inside issues

Maяk - says:
dude what’s wrong with you man?

Ahmed+Sadia 4Eva says:
ur a fucken nerd guy
nothing wrong with me actually what is wrong with YOU

Maяk - says:
talking about e-thugging, look at yourself coming here and swearing at me on msn, give it a break man

Ahmed+Sadia 4Eva says:
this has nothing about ‘e-thugging’
if anything ur the biggest ethug of them all lol
until u get confronted in real life
as u did by those fags
then ur a big pussy
get a taste of fucken reality
son240 is not life
its not real
ur not funny

Maяk - says:
Picard…just read what you just wrote, and see who’s the real hypocrite

Ahmed+Sadia 4Eva says:
ur not even fucken intelligent

Ahmed+Sadia 4Eva says:

well u know how it is
u guys can believe ur in ur own lil happy world together all cuzzy in ur homo beds
and thats fine n dandy
supporting each other and the lies u can belive all u want
just like ur faggot jojkes about taurus brakes
just like ur faggot jokes about automatic
about everything
at the end of the dya i know myself lol and i know what i have and what i do and what i know
and u fags can keep believing and speaking whatever u want
but honestly on a personal level
u need fucken help mark
i sure hope some fags contact u again randomly cuz u keep starting fights on son
ur a piece of shit life form
white trash like that polak kid can support u
kind of drunk polish trash i went to high school with
who dont have a fucken brain beyond going UUUH UUH FUNNY and making disses that dont even make sense but get supported by equally retarded morons
like wise martino
so fucken fucked up that they wait for the moment to say anything when they get the chance while other times i shut them the fuck up
i could sit in a corner and observe your retardation too
ur a piece of shit inside and u know it
probably becuz all da kids made fun of u and ur prebuscent mustache in high school lol
and it takes 10 of u fags to “try” to talk down to me
shows what a fucken weaklings u actually are
if u were put one on one in a conversation ud be brain dead in a second
anyways mark, good luck best of luck in life

Maяk - says:
hey man, i’m sorry, i’ll suck your dick if you want
can u forgive me

Ahmed+Sadia 4Eva says:
if i see u anywhere close to me id spit in ur face if i didnt have any descency

sooo this is getting a touch out of hand…

wow for someone trying to come off as not being upset.

It looks like you’re really getting upset lol.

Calm down ahmed. haha