Second vote to permanantly ban Ahmed (rogerthat240)

This thread sucks so bad.

So much shit caused so fast… vote changed… bannn

I say keep him, winter’s on its way out but it’ll come again, and we’ll need someone to walk us through it.

so a seasonal thing eh Cal? lol.

Ban him throughout the year, and let him back in the winter months… i like! :slight_smile:

naw man , theres nuff tuff dudes on here , bing would whoop mines and JR. ass one time, trust me , and u got farmer, fuck me up with a pitch fork and shit, and theres achkMed, he’d beat me up with his mind , and is supreme intellect that can move object with just a mere thought , becasue his brain is soo powerfull, this one time they tried to hook achkmed to a computer to teach it stuff, and the computer blew up… crazy i know , but it happened

no but seriously after reading what ahmed has posted these last few days, ive come to the conclusion that if he were any more stupid his wife would need to water him twice a week, the guy will argue with a signpost, like seriously , why did u donate your brain to sceince when u still clearly need it? you need to find a job where ur not constantly working with glue… go fulfill your destiny ahmed the village awaits their idiot, u had the opportunity to drink from the fountain of knowlege, yet you chose to gargle with it and now u are a gross ignoramus - 144 times worse than an ordinary ignoramus

F*ck, i should really get my friend in customs to go deport him…but that wouldnt solve the problem, wherever he goes, he’ll prolly get internet just to harass us

hahaha hector…Soulitude! DO IT!

But there could be a reason why he’s here… maybe he’s been banned from other countries too?

you guys kill me.

YO bing!! get a ring at your meet this year!! we having a… wait for it… wait for it… ‘‘BING BASH’’ over the top rope battle royal! last one in the ring get free bing e-brake knob, SR coil cover, and oil cap…well whatever will cost you less lol!! first two in the ring is Fobwall vs A_Ahmed/rogerthat240(or whatever name he may have by then)… so what do you think huh huh huh…! ill cut the winning with you right down the middle 75/25 lol IM BROKE :frowning:

Yup, Quit crying on a website… Duke it out… stuff like this makes me wonder about son

I’ll fight to protect my family but not over this. This is just stupid. I would be wasting my time. There is nothing to prove. Everyone knows that Ahmed is an idiot.

you would be wasting your time?



mark come on man your an idiot ahmed says “you need some love” lmao

is this becoming out of control? cough cough brandon #2 cough

LOL brandon was bad but not as annoying as Ahmed

hmm I say a Group buy is in order…for a ticket for the first space shuttle so we can send him into space, he’s clearly already a space cadet lols that and he can have all the gay adventures he wants with lance bass up there hahahahah

LMAO Will, that was soo fail.

Will a space suit cost $17 million, good luck im not wasting that money

lol yeah that was a pretty bad one -_- it was a amusing at the time tho lols

your calling him dumb, yet your posts are full of grammatical inconsistencies.