Second vote to permanantly ban Ahmed (rogerthat240)

this entire thread consists of him telling people how they act like they are in high school, yet he comes back every time just to post stupid responses

and then there’s the stupid pictures in every post

son needs to get a life?
i’m speechless at how much you contradict yourself with that statement

So how would it not be a waste of time?

^^ He wouldn’t get to watch 2 sweaty guys, with no shirts on

I agree the only thing that could settle this is a good old fashion brawl, remach every year of course it could be a new son tradition.

Anyways, I just want to post up some reasons why Ahmed should be banned.
People might think it’s personal but I’m going to list some reasons why I think he should be banned.

  1. He bashes SONlings all the time even though he doesn’t know them.
  2. He bashes as a whole.
  3. He hates and bashes on Canada all the time. Anyone on SON should respect that this is a forum for us Canadians.
  4. He is very racist and uses racist terms in an offensive manner towards several members. (It’s much different than posting up racist jokes which are meant for laughs)
  5. He likes to post false information and bad recommendations in the tech section.
  6. He asks a lot of stupid questions.
  7. He talks down to a lot of people and acts like he’s better than everyone else.
  1. He was already permernantly banned before. Username: A_Ahmed

I think son240 would be much better without him. The only thing he probably contributes to is entertainment but I’d say he’s getting old.

You guys are giving him exactly what he wants… A reaction + attention. If you just ignored him, he’d dissapear.

I do keep my promises and I am a person of principle, however I had to re-enter here just because I saw this. This is just ridiculous.

Getting really desperate now aren’t we?

People might think it’s personal but I’m going to list some reasons why I think he should be banned.

Only God knows what’s in your messed up head. One thing is for sure, you constantly try to pick a fight and instigate fights between me and others for a long long LOOONG LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time. I had no problem with people in the beginning on son240 per say, but what you acomplished was instigating differences of opinion and disagreements which resulted in Mark clones. Mockery, foul play and ‘jokes’, that lead
me to insult and hate you back. Common-sense. Not giving me a right to even say anything or defend myself in anything by simply saying “oh it’s just ahmed” regardless of how right or wrong. Repeating an infinite list of lies-bs against me even getting others that never EVER spoke to me on the forum to attack me/hate me. That’s pretty serious. I would say that’s a pretty personal vandetta/agenda that you have.

In other words you do have a personal agenda and are desperate or have some odd fear of me. This thread is a perfect example. You are trying really really REALLY hard with MAXIMUM effort to make me look as bad as possible. Every other thread you follow me. Every other thread you try to instigate others to start shit with me, ruining any thread I enter and then blaming me for it “hey look ahmed ruined this thread, yup yup yup you see”. Pretty pathetic. Only God knows what’s in your messed up desperate mind. You have serious penis-envy.

  1. He bashes SONlings all the time even though he doesn’t know them.

Those that spoke with respect and maturity with me, get along quite well with me. I’m actually quite friendly but of course you wouldn’t know anything about that. It’s pretty common-sense. If you talk to me with respect, I’ll talk to you with respect. If you bash me all the time, I’ll bash you back all the time. You think I’m some kinda submissive sissy nerd? Common-sense. Don’t insult me to begin with, I won’t insult you. It’s
fairly fair. And all that shit about how every forum banned me. PLEASE name me all those forums that banned me!!! So much lies. I got banned on here. I got banned on zilvia. That’s it. I got banned on zilvia for mocking US military/soldiers who happen to be mods. Common-sense it won’t fly far. They can kiss my ass.

You know absolutely NOTHING about me, yet made up SO MUCH about me. You got a whole “Ahmed Encyclopedia Britanica”, yet don’t even know my birth name. You saw me TWICE! FRICKIN TWICE!!!

-First time at Tim Hortons showing off your red rusted SR swapped car that couldn’t even go straight when you steped on the gas or you couldn’t control it.

-Second time at Canadian tire where you drifted and did numbers and numbers of donuts and a burnout in the canadian tire parking lot. This was when you swapped it all over to the green hatch and stripped it out (despite mocking me initially for stripping mine out)… and… again… showing off to me.

It’s no different than me knowing you by seeing you twice, a squeeky short tiny but chubby shy kid with a prebuscent mustache of an oriental background (Indonesian?) who tried to show off his 240 to me but messed up his wheel and couldn’t even launch the car as air was leaking + having a bad alignment. You were feeling good about yourself when I complimented your car’s SR swap… yet you were feeling butt hurt when I said it has no power/torque below 4000rpm.

  1. He bashes as a whole.

I never would have if it weren’t for what I experienced here as a whole. Common-sense. I had no problem with anybody on here initially. I just had a vision for my car that was at odds with most guys who envisioned their car only as a jdm drift toy, to impress others and daily. I am building my car for myself, I don’t care. I was spouting ideas that didn’t necessarily make sense at first (still don’t to some) hence alot of “huh?”. That aside; differences of opinion could have been handled just fine if it weren’t for your instigations from the very beginning.

-You got alot of people to attack me as a whole, through plain mockery and disrespect. I would have never had a bad impression of Son240 if it weren’t for that.

-Likewise Son240 had an easy spark for mockery of anybody who newly joins.

-Any question or discussion at odds of the common-know-how would get attacked or sidetracked with irrelavent arguments. I am talking about how someone could ask a question and everyone would give every possible answer that had nothing to do with the initial question while getting the OP put down and insulted.

-Lastly everyone sounding like some 18 year old who chugs beer at high school parties that just opened their eyes to the real world while having stocks of male ego ready to burst out to prove themselves.

  1. He hates and bashes on Canada all the time. Anyone on SON should respect that this is a forum for us Canadians.

-Criticizing the Canadian highway and traffic law, infrastructure (eg: roads, highways, etc…), criticizing government, etc… is not hating or bashing Canada.

-Talking about other countries I’ve been to that have better things (whatever they may be) is not bashing or hating Canada.

-Talking about other non-canadian 240 forums that have achieved great feats beyond son240 is not bashing hating or bashing Canada.

You have some serious insecurities. I consider myself quite international and don’t really care about one place or another, I love everywhere in principle. I just cite the honest pros and cons and what they really are and live life as it is. If anything, someone like you would give Canada a bad name. Bashing immigrants, other races, other countries. You are quite the hypocrite and of course you’re going to go ahead and call me a hypocrite.

  1. He is very racist and uses racist terms in an offensive manner towards several members. (It’s much different than posting up racist jokes which are meant for laughs)

PPLEEAASSE…!!! Biggest hypocrite EVER! DON’T get me started!

-I am THE MOST anti-racist, anti-nationalist and anti-tribalist of them all. I am married to a woman who has nothing to do with my background, race, places I’ve lived or been born, history, etc… It’s none of your business anyways so no need to further explain.

-I’ve lived around the world growing up with many different people, cultures and environments. Not that such a thing can make someone anti-racist, anti-nationalist but it has made me.

-One of my biggest problems in Canada was surviving racist discrimintating kids who didn’t. Who only knew about themselves and what they were locally exposed to (be it tv or family) and who thought they had the best of the best of everything and everyone else was from an unknown useless place that you shouldn’t give a shit about.

-You clearly know nothing about me. Don’t even bother. I don’t wana start quoting you when it comes to that topic it would be tiresome.

  1. He likes to post false information and bad recommendations in the tech section.


I post information you never heard of that you think is false information or a bad recommendations.

-For example having said “run no rear swaybar or a tiny rear swaybar” on our cars. You laughed at me and mocked me before I could even explain myself. Just because you don’t know about it or what it does, doesn’t mean it’s false or bad information. There’s tons of situations like this that we engaged in.

-Just because you didn’t experience it or reached that piece of information or experience, doesn’t make it wrong.

-Just because you experienced only one thing doesn’t mean it’s also the only thing either.

-However fact is fact. If something is shitty it’s shitty, if something is better it’s better. Don’t be butt hurt about it.

  1. He asks a lot of stupid questions.

-Only stupid questions are unasked questions.

-I don’t know everything whether it be basic or advanced.

-The one who says they know everything is the one who closed their mind off to a potential wealth of immense knowledge.

-Eg; You destroying my thread despite how badly I gurgled it out. I asked whether there are additional things other than the ones I did or was about to do. Basic maintenance. I asked if there are some sensors or things I may not be aware of that may be on a 240. What’s so stupid about that?

-I could whip out the FSM and intentionally ask something you don’t know and then call you stupid.

-You on the other hand give a lot of stupid answers or no answers at all, only instigations.

  1. He talks down to a lot of people and acts like he’s better than everyone else.

-Everyone on son240 talks down to each other. There is barely any respect often times. You are a perfect example.

-I’m not a submissive personality, but I am actually humble and friendly. Hard to believe, because in these circumstances you attack me all the time.

-I do like to engage in discussions, share and exchange whatever I may know, experiences and vice versa. That may bother you but that’s me.

-Knowing something you do not know and me saying it while you being butt hurt doesn’t mean “I always down”

  1. He was already permernantly banned before. Username: A_Ahmed

-So were you several times for random idiocy. Who cares? In fact you have two usernames too. Mark and Fobwall.

-I got banned for dissing the lot of you that you instigated to diss me but in a retarded manner. I must admit. When all discussion failed I mocked the hell out of you because it was like talking to walls. I just said fuck it, let me have fun with them and mocked you, but I didn’t start the mockery.

-Once I left I discovered a ton of people who were not retarded like you Mark. They gave me no problems and respected me; they also didn’t instigate others to attack me like you do.

-On Zilvia by surprise I got some people I never EVER talked to, randomly attacking me with bullshit you started. I was pretty confused lol. So i assumed all of them were son240 goers hence my generalization of son240 and everyone being the same.

-Like a bunch of weirdos they were like “YEAH YOU ahmed!”. After some e-battling they actually got to TALK to me one on one. We made peace after I reprimended the lies you spread about me.

-One of those people was Baribeau from 613 driftwerks. He is the owner/admin/mod on there. He knows I’m kinda anti-drfit but hey, he even asked me to post my project on there. No biggie. We came to respect one another.

-Some who are way too imature remained hostile towards but they are losers because they don’t even know what they are hostile about and just need attention.cause quite frankly they don’t even know me. Pretty random though, but it shows to what lengths you’ll go. You have some serious mental problems.

I think son240 would be much better without him. The only thing he probably contributes to is entertainment but I’d say he’s getting old.

-I think son240 would be alot more peaceful if it weren’t for your constant instigations as a whole not just against me but everyone.

-You have nothing better to do but start fights and mockery. Going into threads with your getting old “OLD” and pickard pictures and stupid commentaries… and of course as of late EVERY chance you get, to start fights between me and others.

-You’ve even instigated physical fights, which is pretty hilarious… yet of course you yourself would never fight me in real life and you know it.

-Honestly I have no reason to fight anybody, virtually, physically, metaphorically, symbolically, blabla.

-Like you said yourself, same goes for me. I would only defend myself or my family. Especially if someone tried to do something to my family, I’d show no mercy.

-I don’t need to prove myself, but before being married I loved fighting and used to go to tournaments point-based and continous fighting. If someone attacked my family I would most definetely be merciless, otherwise I would not harm a fly…

-It’s really stupid talking about physical fighting on a forum. We are suppose to be mature enough, this is not high school where you have to prove the size of your ego. Likewise, honest truth and this goes for everybody no matter how tough you think you are: I could get beat up as much as any other person. There’s always someone stronger, faster, smarter, quicker, better technique, etc… so it’s pretty foolish to pick fights randomly with people. I only defend myself and would defend others if necessitated by circumstances.

You know what Mark. Since you are the one soo badly wanting to see me fight, why don’t you fight me? I mean you are getting all these other people to want to fight me, yet you yourself would never? Getting others to

Do your own dirty work?

Anyways on a serious note, you are right, that’s pretty retarded, so maybe you shouldn’t have started anything to begin with?

It’s much like those guys that came to your house and came to beat you up and then you changed your tone.

While talking to me on MSN you began to talk to me of how son240 sucks, the people on son240 are dickheads and all losers. How on son240 everyone has a rustbucket with mispainted bumpers and fenders, mismatched parts, all ricers and losers blabla. :rolleyes:

Damnnn. So it’s now official haha.

FYI, the other day I came across that nissanroadracing forum and holy shit, you thought ahmed was bad here?!? He has some like 17+ page thread where he’s jerkin it like mad. I felt so bad for the other members on there trying to deal with the guy. Who knows how long he’s been looking for a shift boot too lmao.

BUT. I do see what the guy’s saying about son240, in terms of maturity level of responses and whatnot sometimes, but he clearly has issues of his own too so it’s all justified in the end.

No matter what happens though, I don’t think the mods/admins here care enough to 100% prevent this guy from coming back under another user? The guy clearly has no life…he’ll get back in here and post regardless. See what I mean? Let’s just let him be…he’s gotta grow up sometime right?

Jesus Christ. What is this novel time?

^^woww…you typed all that in the time I was putting together my post?

I guess it’s going to take you a bit longer than I what I gave you credit for.

I bet you are stalking this thread every second in anticipation and excitement waiting for a response all this time. You poor soul Mark.

I’m at work so I’ll try to keep this short for now.

What exactly are these ‘lies’ that I kept spreading about you?

And ask anyone here, I didn’t ask anyone to follow me and talk shit about you. They all did it on their own. Don’t believe me? Well, I hope some people will chime in about that. Do you think I sent a pm to everyone on SON telling them stuff like “hey, make sure you talk shit to Ahmed”. Seriously man, you’re fucked in the head, stop making scenarios up in your head.

Like I already said, your brought this opon yourself by acting stupid. People will judge you based on how you act online because that’s the only side of you they know. If you don’t want people to be mean to you or talk shit, then be nice. How hard is that?

I even admit to people in person that yeah I’m an asshole online and it shows. A lot of people here would probably want me banned. People even showed up to my house to fight me.

However, for those who know me in person, they know when I’m messing around and when I’m serious.

Maybe you should have gone to meets and met people first so they could’ve gotten to know you.

The biggest trick the devil pulls on people after fooling them and they realize it when it’s too late is to tell them “well you did it yourself, don’t blame me. I fear God, you are on your own buddy”.

It’s like instigating everybody and then saying “but I didn’t tell you yes go after him go do it” Poor excuse. There’s a process that takes place over time.

There are different ways that someone can achieve things, they do not have to be physical, they do not even have to be spoken, but they can be actions that lead to other actions.

For example. When I posted something you’d jump in the thread and go like “oh Ahmed you this and that” and then someone would say something then you would put more fuel in the fire “you are right man he is so stupid”.

Another example, someone says something negative or gives some criticism or even an insult and you wait for the moment to say your own part and instigate others to say more.

You don’t have to PM people and tell them directly do this and do that. It’s pretty sinister and evil but you get the work done.

And what lies? Man don’t get me started. You are clever, not intelligent, but clever, too clever for your own good.

sorry, but i have to ask… did anyone ACTUALY reed ahmeds post???

i got a line in and just gave up…

Come on, after that essay you just wrote, you’re telling me you can’t type another paragraph or even a sentence to tell me what my lies are? And how do I spread my lies then?

How exactly do I instigate people to fight you?

I am trying to help you here because I actually feel sorry for you now. It seems to me that you really care about your online reputation, hence you coming back all the time and trying to defend yourself.

Post up facts and maybe people will believe I’m the bad guy afterall.

Just stop making and playing out all these scenarios on why people don’t like you in your head.

And like I already said twice, I am not going to fight you and have never said I wanted to fight you. You’re making all that up. If it really means a lot to you, I can tell people that you kicked my ass and pissed on me (whatever you want) so that people think you really did it. If it really makes you feel better about yourself on the internet, I don’t mind doing it.

EDIT: Forgot to add…the people that you say are “following” me when it comes to bashing you are some people that I have actually had arguments with here. So I didn’t make them do it. But haven’t you heard the saying on how you enemies enemy is your friend?


we need to ban him for his own good.

Clearly he has no life since he is still trying to fight this. (made evident by the essay he wrote last page when he said he was going to leave this thread for the 2nd time)

you laugh now ahmed, but one day when you look back, getting banned from son might be the best thing that ever happened to you.


so when this fight gonna happen FOBVALL VS ROGERTHAT240
just for laughs there should be no punches just bitch slaps UNTIL 1 gets knocked out and they can dip their hands in whatever they choose, cause a wet hand gives a higher quality more laughable slap . . . . slapping sause . . . comically delicious!