Second vote to permanantly ban Ahmed (rogerthat240)

^lol im up for that, that’s like a jackass episode right there

You still in highschool?


You’re still in college :/:

Anyways gents, I’m off, t’s was fun. Good night.

^^^ NO . . . just wanna see a fight, cause it will be the only way to solve this shit and shut u both up out of it i’m actually 23 just got a bad memory

The weather’s alright… Chilly, but alright…

Time for a 240 meet. Show your faces.


This solidifies my belief that son has a collective IQ of 10.

i say sombody pretends to buy somthing off fobwall, then sobody pretends to buy somthing off ahmed

and meet up at the same Timmies

It wouldve been a good idea… if you didnt just tell everyone.

Seriously, that wouldve been awesome!

That’s exaggerating a bit.

It’d work if I was still selling something.

well theres on thing ur always selling and ahmed would buy it , ur sweet virgin ass mark, and ur dignity , but that kinda just goes with the latter, kinda a 2 for 1 deally

Goddamnit Junior, we’ve met in person multiple times, how can you confuse me for a_ahmed/rogerthat240…so frustrating lol.

On another note, guys stop being kids and trying to start a fight. Ahmed, stop responding like an idiot, there’s no way to argue with people if they’re not willing to come to a settlement, and not even bother reading your post. Keep posting random things like track videos, foreign project threads in car chat, or your opinion on parts that you’ve purchased, I find it better than most posts, to be honest. Your problem is that you act like you’re better than everyone on here, but you’re not. You are very knowledgeable, but still, take it easy man.

I voted no, simply because he gets attacked for posting something that 90% of people could have posted, and gotten away with.

ok so how long are we going to continue this debate before something happens? either we let him stay or kick him out onto his ass cuz if not id suggest we close this discussion. all we’re doing is stating the obvious and some of us arent any better than Ahmed attitude wise and i could easily name a few but i wont out of respect.

Holy story time kids.

I’m to god damn lazy to chime in with things Mark has already repeated, but I will say one thing however. Ahmed, Me and Mark don’t exactly see eye to eye, but I can defiantly assure you he didn’t, “recruit” me into this argument. It’s the simple fact that your ignorant, that I’ve decided to debate against you.

There are threads upon threads, where Mark doesn’t even need to chime in about your abomination on topics. You take it upon yourself to insult members thus, “fueling a fire”. I can quote oh so many, however I won’t, I’m sure as hell not in the mood to write the sequel to “The Boy Who Cried Wolf”, as you did.


MY BAD lol! ya’ll names look the same to me lol… ill go edit that just now

10? You’re being too generous.

One thing that I’ll note is Ahmed’s observations about SON people bashing - I wholeheartedly agree with this observation. This forum is quite filled with ‘one-ups-manship’ but in the end, we all drive buckets.

WTS crappy S-chassis. PM me for details.

HEY…HEY… my S14 is no bucket!!! its the BLACK BIRD oooooOOOOooo!!
in the face!.. i meant in your face lol evil laugh

I’m mine’s the white pegasus! haha