A picture for Ahmed...

Witnessed first hand at yesterday’s track event:


No linky! No worki!

hey thats my old car :\

hahahah awesome



10/10 mark

I took that pic, fucker nearly hit me!!

Also those weren’t his brakes; TC rod fell out… lol.

:hahano: i love this thread already


hehehe, that was entertaining…

That civic blew oil like Marks mom at a hooker convention!


As much as I love making fun of Ahmed, this might make him remember to post on here again, because I’m pretty sure his ban has either expired, or will expire soon. I’d much rather he just forget, and never return.


Rich, nice meeting you btw! Jews FTW!

thats my buddy jordan’s crx…

piston ring was blown on cylinder 4 and was running 109 octane… hoping to blow the block, too bad for him

btw LOL at the taurus brakes

I created the blurb btw. I created a few others but they were lost in translation. :o

Better pay respect where it’s due! :squint:

Really, then why didn’t you post it asshole?

Shutup and stop trying to steal the Jewish man’s thunder!