Security for PC

and you say my posts make no sense? using HW firewalls and no AV is like sex with no condom…feels good but you gotta know when to pull out…sure accidents happen…you might get a virus(ur pc not you) but i recall a number of serious worms that came out where it didn’t even matter if you had firewalls or AV…remember…exploits get into the hands of the phreakers first…then the threat prevention companies, sorry i don’t believe in buying useless hardware from best lie. and my internet connection happens to run through a WRT54G with freeman on it and through a linux based server which is firewalled…please tell me how NONE of my 5 machines has gotten a virus in two years without running AV/FW software? maybe because i know what i’m doing and the rest of you artards don’t? most viruses that people get these days are through file sharing programs or website that they had no business being on in the first place. Common sense says don’t download programs from FS Programs if you don’t want to risk getting a virus…stop looking at porn when your wife is sleep & the kids are at school and you’ll be fine. Don’t knock what i do just because i was successful with it. Everything i use the net for functions completely fine…from browsing the net on any of my desktops/laptops or my psp and playing ps2 online…viruses don’t get in because of no protection…they get in because of human error and ignorance. i swear trying to conversate with some of you is like talking to an ape