Seductions in Niagara falls (good times)

Hey for those of you that haven’t been to Seductions at Niagara falls (Lundy’s Lane) I highly suggest it, im not too much into strip joints but yesterday was my friend stag so we took him there, we were there from 10:00pm to close, it was a hoe filled night for us and we had a blast! All I can say is if you go there you must check out the champagne lounge they have allllllllllllllll the goodies there :wink: . Money, alcohol and lots of hoes good times, good times. Now Im at work and I can’t work because we got home at 7:45 am and im all burned out since I got no sleep at all and all I got was 4 hours on thursday night, oh man I feel like dropping right here… YUP! Good old Niagara falls, always a good time.

I say we have our next Niagara meet there,… first we go to Bings and then straight to Seductions! :lol: Doesn’t get any better then that, chinese food followed by hoes… Unless Bing can arrange chinese food with hoes at the same time?..Or better yet how about some Chinese hoes, I haven’t had that in a while? Come on Bing set it up bro. :lol:

never been to seductions, but ive been to crystals… very nice there… young environment.

Why is it different than any other peeler?

The only variable is caliber of said hoes.

peeler bars are absolutly retarded…

why anyone would go there is beyond me…


I agree… how can you even be seen walking in or out of those places and not feel embarassed?

Cristals what the worst peelers i’ve ever been to.

John, when you come again you either go to the sundowner or you go nowhere.

as for the strip joints being wack… meh,

my cousin and i took a 60 year old pure chinese cook there one time and told the girls he was our uncle and bought him dances. it was funny as hell…

naked girls are nice to loot at.


i very rarely go out to clubs, maybe 3-4 times a year, tonite was one of those nights.

gotta say that the rippers is much more satisfying than going to bars and seeing all the bullshit that goes on.

at least the strip club is honest.

all the girls there know they are just there for some $$$ and all the guys know it too. there are no secrets, they’re all easy whores and you can touch and feel and see it all for $20.

at the bars however, all of these girls dont seem to realise that letting random dudes feel them up on the dancefloor is pretty friggin disgusting.

i would love to see the future husbands of these girls standing by and watching what they did before they got married. i’d make for some serious re-evaluation.

in the 4 hours between 10:30 and 2:30 i didnt see one single girl i would want to date. all i saw were young girls that are already totally used up and dont even come close to deserving the kind of man they think they should. the kind of man they think they should have cant be found anywhere near these places.

+1 for the rippers

i’d rather pay $20 for 3 minutes with a girl i know is used up then spend 2 years courting a girl i didnt know what used up until it was too late.

the last two times i’ve gone to a rippers eric had convinced girls who’ve come with us to go on stage… the’ve both ended up in just their thongs with the strippers playing with their tits stuff.

theres just something so good about seeing a girl you know stripped naked by an actual stripper.

Good times when spilner and theDecline hit up a rippers ahahah.

difference between peelers and rippers? :?

your such a youngin ;]

same thing, btw.

i’ve been to the rippers a few times… its fun the first few times - unless your one to get private dances and whatnot, it gets old quickly.


I think i’ve been to only two strip joints in my life. Both were only because it was a friend’s bday.

Not a big fan, but i hear Whiskey a Go-Go is a good time. I’d like to check it out sometime. See what all the hype is about.

SON meet?

haha ditto that… quite a few times actually lol

one of my closest friends (and EXTREMELY hot I might add) actually once ended up on stage with 2 strippers at Whiskey’s, completely nude and getting REALLY into it, with whipped cream and such… then they all cleaned each other off in a glass shower… that shit’s just plain hot.

haha good times.

my girlfriend and at least one of her friends said they want to go there, we should go and try to bring some girls with us ;]

my girlfriend and at least one of her friends said they want to go there, we should go and try to bring some girls with us ;][/quote]

The idea is to take girls back with us.

I totally agree with Bing on this one. I don’t see anything wrong with strip joints as long as your not one of those guys who are there every day or even every week you are doing fine. In my case last weekend it was a Stag party so we went. As long as you hit the strip joints on special occations or once in a while then I don’t see anything wrong with it.

Oh and by the way if you go to Seductions in the Champagne lounge it’s a little more then just lap dances :wink: . Yup yup! Good times for sure.

my girlfriend and at least one of her friends said they want to go there, we should go and try to bring some girls with us ;][/quote]

The idea is to take girls back with us.[/quote]

Set up the meet. I’ve got a few in mind hahaha. We could make this happen I’m sure!

blah blah blha…

your recomandation is completely useless without pics.