sell it or keep it?

well the thing is, i can swing paying for a ~$10,000 car right now, what i cant afford is to is to be paying on a $10,000 car thats gonna sit in a garage for 6 months out of the year and then have to worry about buying a winter car and worry about that breaking and having to pay to fix it. and dont say 'drive the R/T in the winter" cuz it aint happening. i wont do that.

Live within your means… if not below them. The way you’ve been talking all this time, it sounds like you’re struggling for cash. If you’re saying you could “swing” a $10,000 car loan, it doesn’t sound like you can really afford it. I’d sell this thing, and get an inexpensive car until you’re out of school, defnitely don’t go out and buy a cummins diesel as a DD. Thats just f’n stupid, sorry but it really is.

get the EG hatch for the DD. garage the R/T. stock civics from that year got to be freakin cheap, plus they ain’t horrible on gas, and from what I can see, they are fairly reliable.

*note: keep in mind, I hate hondas, but in the pro-vs-cons when dealing with money, the civic doesn’t have any cons.

the man speaks the truth… i’m at the point where i’m realising that i’m not where i want to be and am most likely gonna have to go back to school, which would mean selling my car anyways. somtimes you gotta ask yourself is it really worth it…

i think the smarter thing would be to get a grip with the fact that u drive a big 4x4 and dont need a winter car regardless of how stupendously rare and fast this pick up truck is :bloated:

Keep it. I <3 R/T’s

ok, mayb i need to clear some things up here…

my whole reasoning behind the diesel truck is this:
i have had trucks since i first started driving. i had one car and couldnt stand it and i only drove it for 3 months before i got rid of it for another truck. for those of you who have not met me, im a fairly big guy, and i like to have a lot of room in my vehicles. i just think i would be absoultely miserable if i had a truck or an SUV any smaller than a Dakota (my mom has a s-10 blazer and i think its too small).

I know that the diesel (especially the Cummins) will be a very reliable vehicle, and i know that it will last me a really long time with basic maintainece. i dont plan on towing a lot (if anything at all for the most part) so i would think that would even increase the reliability and longevity of the truck. hell, Cummins doesnt even recommend a full rebuild untill 300,000 miles and thats under “heavy towing and hauling.” it also seems like diesel is usually right around the same price as gas, sometime a little more expensive, sometimes a little less, but diesels get halfway decent fuel mialge (especailly when not towing anything), im not looking to get ahead of the game, and id prob never set up the biodiesel plan in my garge, but i figure this way i can at least be driving around in something that im perfectly happy with and its not gonna rape me on fuel costs such as a full size V8 gas engine truck would.

just thought i’d add that so you know my reasoning behind the diesel

R/T is NOT a 4x4. if it had the same AWD system that the Durango R/Ts had, i would drive it in the winter for sure and that would be uber-pimp

Let me see if I’ve got this straight:

-You have no substantial regular income
-You do not NEED a truck
-You WANT a truck
-Gas mileage is an influencing factor
-You’re considering having a summer and a winter car so you can have a truck
-Because gas mileage is a factor, you are considering a big truck


Sometimes you can’t have what you want, no matter how you figure out how to justify it.

Enjoy debt. It’s a bitch to get out of. :tup:

You gotta crawl b4 you walk man. Reward yourself with that Cummins when you graduate. It sounds as if you are gonna do what you really want to do anyway.

fuck it, im gonna keep it and somehow find a few hundred dollars to buy a beater for the winter.

do a monthly budget. i don’t know what your expenses are, but add up Everything that you can think of that you have to pay for in a month, then figure up from there.

might not solve your problem. but i’m surprised at how many people i know are financing/leasing… and even though they know how much they make in a month, have NO idea how much it costs for food, cell, laundry, gas, electric, gasoline, cable, rent, gym, entertainment, etc - i cost about 1K/month, and that’s not being frivolous (e.g., going out to the bars, buying more good clothes, etc.) And man it’s hard to keep out of the bars with the hot girls everywhere here. The 1K… just basic stuff to get by for a month. PM me and i can send you a copy of the ridiculousness.

but i want to get either an LT4 vette or a WS-6 droptop '01/'06 f-body next year. gotta plan way ahead with a salary like mine :slight_smile:

Something to think about. Usually surprises most people to see what a month of life costs, and not in a good way.

well, the money that i initially borrowed to have my motor rebuilt is ALMOST paid back, and i have been getting a lot more hours at work due to some thigns happening at my work, so im about where i was ~3 months ago before this all started, which is fine. im just gonna have to cut back on a few other things and save up to get a beater car. and ghettostyle is right, i need to mannage my money a little better, it was jsut hard there for a while because i had so much that needed to be paid for in a short ammount of time.

:tup: just cut back a little, eat out less, buy less extra shit like dvds or games extra…

definitely trade it, then trade that, then trade that, then… trade that. then look in to a wrangler or blazer.

lol… im dying

Making it rain

this rocks