Anybody going top sema this year its i think 10 or 20 bucks to get in and yes it is open to the public oct.30till nov.2 lets make the trip.sema dot com has hotel packages two!!

Dude, please, type legibly. Use proper spelling, use proper spacing, use proper capitalization, it makes life easier for EVERYONE that has to try and decipher your scrawling… And I’m not sure how many people will be willing, or able to make a 3000km road trip to Vegas.

$10-$20? Umm yeah maybe per day bro.

The ticket is closer to $100USD. I’m not positive since I get media passes but as always, the best show in most of the aftermarket world behind TAS but in front of Essen.

last year they where 15 bucks and hotel packeges where 115+$$

just out of curiosity where did it say it is open to the public? “PLEASE NOTE: THE SEMA SHOW IS NOT OPEN TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC”

I would be down for this… however, how would anyone get tickets? I thought this isn’t open to the public.

Who is going to be there?


Apparently i am going this year which would be bonkers-mctonkers.

I guess you can only go if you have a press pass…

SEMA is so boring, its a trade show, so unless you are a shop trying to buy or sell new product, there really isn’t much to really see. just wait for IAS which should be on the east coast again, you’ll still have the big vendor booths and you’ll have more models to gaga over.

and last time I went to SEMA, it was $12, for trade related people only, so you’ll have to either be; Media, A retail shop or a manufactuer/distributor.

I just received confirmation that i will be at NACE and SEMA in Vegas Oct 29 - Nov 3.

If Dave, Dan… if you guys are going, let me know.

Looking good for me… I’ll book my stuff when I get into the office tomorrow.

You’re kidding right? SEMA is so huge that as media its impossible to cover in 4 days a media rep. Plus all of the real players are there to field questions and make deals. All these other consumer shows are fluff, lots of models and contests and $8/hr booth workers who know nothing about the company they are representing.

Then there is afterhours…

SEMA IAS is cancelled BTW.

dave are you going to be there?

i will be there oct 31 - nov 4 now…

I fly October 31st and leave Vegas on Sunday the 4th on the Redeye. I land in toronto at 6:30am and will head straight into the office…abahah

Bongzors - your wife going? Mine is coming to meet me on Friday night for the weekend.

my dads friend said it was open last year and this year to the public for something like 25$ for 31-49am till 5pm for the public

oh shitz… i guess i’m not bunking with you on saturday then…lol

i dont think they let 7 month pregnant women fly, at least i hope they dont, and i wanted to make this more of a automatic weapons and picking on homeless people kind of weekend… i guess you’re out then.

Basically, I have been going for the past 8 years to SEMA.

If you really want in your just need a business card.

Its pretty boring, there are alot of rims and some intresting cars, but that is about it.

There are no “Deals” there either, if you are caught selling, or buying during or after show hours you are kicked out of SEMA and are not allowed to display again, or visit again.


i’m booked… returning late on sunday on the red-eye from vegas into Toronto.

leave the anchor at home.

I got my badge in the mail a day or two ago. We’re on the red-eye as well. Ouch.

Anchor is booked too…but she will shoot semi-automotics too so it’s cool