Who is going to SEMA 2006?

well who plans on going. Oct 31st-nov 3rd Pre registration is only $15

Driving or flying?

I am driving. I always drive there. But either or I guess. I just want to know if any nissan people heading down?

I registered here:


I thought SEMA is invite only

SEMA is like a car show but for parts and companies trying to show off what’s new for the aftermarket community. As long as you have a business or know someone who does you can get in. It’s really not a big deal. You can probably just make something up when you register. They just what to keep the no-body’s out of the show and people that are into the industry in the show.

I would love to but I went last year so the boss is going this year and then I can go next year again. I would really like to do TAS asctually, I think that would be awesome!


Do you have a tentative agenda for the trip, i.e., when are you leaving, when do you plan to come back, where you thinking of staying?

I will prob be in the US a couple days early. Lasy year I left on Halloween night and drive right there in 16 hrs in a astro van. This year I am driving my dads GTR. I wil be in Las vegas on the 31st and leaving on the 3rd evening.

Make sure if you guys go you bring your agenda with you and you should get your pasport as that might be needed to pass customs right away!

I have a hoted room on the north end of the strip. About 5 blocks away from the convension center. It was only $89 a night. The sooner everyone makes there reservatons the cheaper it will be.

I went last year, and was gonna go this year but my plans changed. Hopefully next year though.

US passport requirements delayed until 2009…
