Send California inmates to Mexico, says Schwarzenegger
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works for me

Doesn’t sound like that bad of an idea, hopefully they don’t pay mexico to much though.

LOL Private Prisons?

We’re fucked. BRB Canada.

If it cost’s us less money to house them in Mexico then it does here, pack those bastards up on a bus now!

I still think we should clear austrailia out of cool people and send all the criminals, fat people, ugly people and old people theresurrond it with a huge undersea net and fill that area with shark with laserbeams on their forehead.

The world would be a better place

LOL I can’t see PAYING Mexico to get their scumbags back. Shoot the cocksuckers. You’re in prison? You’re dead. /thread.

Not too bad of an idea

great, lets spend more money on people who are incarcerated. put them to work somewhere. in a factory, fields, anything. if they fuck up, kill them on the spot, but at least make them do something beneficial to the rest of society after having a “free ride” for so many years.

a lot of the prisoners do work in prisons

First labor goes overseas, and now our jails do too.

That actually works this time.

He assumes whatever savings he gets by shipping to Mexico will be paid by the Mexican gov.




This ^

Just bus them to the boarder and drop them off. Close the fucking border.

“Escape from LA” comes to mind…

Send them to Iraq instead. If we send them to Mexico theyll jump the fence and be back in a week.

hence the moon idea !