Sensative son of a bitches


You can use music because millions upon millions of people buy the cd’s and download the songs in support of the work.

You didn’t see early rap artists using words and terms that are race sensitive or degrading to women their work.


You are wrong.

I was alive and old enough when rap started, and I can tell you just from growing up in NYC that you are dead wrong. The terms may not be the same as now, but they still did it.

That has nothing to do with however. millions of millions buy the cds… but are ALL of them black? If you are going to make a statistical argument, then maybe you should get some accurate statistics. Sales numbers are country and worldwide, not race-wide. :roll:

Music is Art. How much art and music gets bought because it’s taboo? Who says because it’s bought that said music/art is good (as in wholesome, uplifting, etc.)?