sent my dog fishing this morning and....

…she got fired from her job at Darion Lake. j/k

My house backs up to a pond and I let Nadia out this morning to do her thing. Walk out to check on her and she brings me a fish:

I have no idea if she found it dead along the shore, or waded it and caught it, or some bird dropped it???

that’s so crappy

Cool story bro.

that’s so carppy

a bunch of bitches and bass turds

Something seems fishy here…

It was probably just perched on a rock.

That probably took a tuna effort to catch.

I sea what everyone did here.

you can tune a piano but you cant tuna fish…

Hopefully you’re dog didn’t catch any crabs from that water.

Not sure if anyone has gotten this yet…

Is it your birthday? Maybe your dog wanted to give you a birthday cod.

Many of my jokes flounder amongst these halfwits.

For the slower NYSpeeders.

And I don’t mean slow as in speed, because then I would be included. lol

I think he just did it for the halibut

I did…it was clever

Do I detect a Boston accent?

Nyspeed is on fire today, I’ve been laughing all day.

Did she just come trouting up to you with the fish?