for all you fish heads...

went out on round lake today after work and within being on the lake for 30 minutes I had a 40" Northern Pike in my net.

got pics on my phone, but it sucks and I cant upload them. I need to start carrying a digital camera.

I let the fish go after snapping some pic’s.

coo story brahhh

just like pjb

let’s see the pics!


lol all you fuckers posting in here prolly doesnt even know what a Pike looks like!

nonsense, my brother and my dad fish 5 days a week in season and I go sometimes as well. My brother was catching pike in Glass Lake this year.

Damn, nice fish dude!! Me and my old man got one in Collins Lake believe it or not, was about 25’’ or so if I had to guess

any good size??

so by knowin you for a while . u say your dick is 12 inches and its really 2 . if i follow that math its only 4 in and change :thumbup

Im close to going pro in fishing

yeah, a couple over 30, he also caught a 29" pickrel there this year

3’', get it right fucker!!

29" pickerel? sounds like a northen to me.

Quite sure it was a pickrel, might’ve been a pike. I wasn’t there for that one. I know 29" is huge for one though. They are going to try to catch pike on the ice this year too.

I can say Ive never seen a pickrel over 15’’ or so, but thats not to say they arent out there…

yah 29" pickeral would be massive. The biggest I have ever heard of is around 25". They are chain pickeral and look very very identical to northerns.

I have been trying to catch tiger muskies in round lake, not northerns but I have yet to land a good size one. They are in there tho. A local guy that lives on the lake caught a 48" tiger this year…I hope to do that same.

We really should do a Shift fishing day, few beers and such, would be a blast lol.

Lance on a boat has to be lulz

water will be involved adam , i think ya should avoid that one

Oh HA HA… prick :lol