sept 9th flashlight drags

yes thank you for that title jeff

beat jeff in Chevelle…Beat by flounder in the chevelle…that thing made a world of a difference using the slicks and skinnys.

:mad: :down: :frowning: car never made it there

so is Jeffs record in tact?

did you fix it ? I guess it was afraid of the mr2?

haha in your dreams

nope:)got a win:blue:

no but pretty sure figured out the issue.

but not undefeated i beat you

yeah but you defeted the resteraunt…

your ass stinks

ie never going to that place again… terrible after effects…

o my that did suck, after effects sucked!!!

Lil Kim is no longer allowed to pick the place if we go out

yes that may have been the best fart ever in life

and yea she has lost that privelage and it was terrible what i did to the shitter by time i got home and kim paid for her decision of that restaraunt on the way home :rofl: :rofl:

dude that was fucked of you, Lil Kim and her dyed roots liking your stench

i thought she was gonna die on the way home so naturally i was laughin my ass off while she was gagging
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

typical talin move
