All 24 photos:
Originally this was supposed to go on Stance:Nation but after weeks of them dicking around on me, they changed their mind. Personally I thought it was worthy of going up on SN, but whatever, it still gets recognition on night-import.
The rig shots of this shoot are two of my favorite I have done on any car yet, just for the simple fact it was done on a road.
beautiful shots, and i know stancenation is more popular, but night import>stancenation imo.
no idea how this didn’t make it on there, beautiful pics and the car turned out great ron
yes, car and pics are both great! nice job
July 24, 2011, 2:55pm
They are all great but if i had to choose i would say number 1 is the best!!!
That rolling shot is dope!
All the Pics came out amazingly Jim. I could personally careless if or where the car got featured its just great to have some pro pictures of my car.
I may be in contact around Christmas of so to get some of the original files to blow up and frame for my Den
I will agree in a way there, SN is more directed at one type of vehicle; one with a fitted stance. There is a nice variety of cars on NI.
Number 1 is my wallpaper. Ron found that location and I will def use it again!
All the Pics came out amazingly Jim. I could personally careless if or where the car got featured its just great to have some pro pictures of my car.
I may be in contact around Christmas of so to get some of the original files to blow up and frame for my Den
Thanks Ron! I have them all in super high res, you could make 2-foot by 3-foot or larger prints no problem.
Yeah 24x36 is what I was thinking for a couple
July 27, 2011, 11:03am
I could do up to 11x13 for prints w/ my Canon printer. I just don’t have any paper at the moment.