Seriously.... only in butler

rolling in the tiltbed, i had to get a picture of this:



but i don’t understand
why bring it if you can get out of it & walk…LOL

wow is it locked to the pole?

lol! exactly


Homeland security…

Now, did the user lock it up, or is that the handicap version of a boot?

rofl… I will be seeing you all in hell.

:rofl: i’m glad everyone agree’s with me

I’ll save you a good seat.

Omg! I have totally seen that guy before. He’s always tooling up this HUGE hill bearly moving.

You’re right…only in Butler…

I’m not laughing at the person who locked it, i’m laughing at the people who would actually steal it…

EXACTLY! what reason would you have to lock that thing up? … b/c some other butlerite would take it :doh: :doh: :doh:

um yea. it looks like it’s locked with a yellow plastic chain

there was a girl at pitt who always was in a wheel chair, but only cuz she was “into wheelchairs”. via some stalking, i managed to find her pitt freshman engineering website and she had pictures of mini-wheelchairs she built

to make a long story short, one day in class she was trying to explain a question she had, and decided to just walk to the board when the prof wasnt understanding. the whole class thought they had just witnessed a miracle… it was awesome.

i had seen her walk once before, so i just looked around at people and about half the class’s jaws were dropped.

thats one of the funniest things ive heard in a long time…

come on bro…you know one of those many rejects we see strolling by the shop would jack that in a hearbeat & take it for a spin.

you know those kids that were doing the power slides on thier bike would def. try to take it.

I thought solow lived in jenatte