So, you ever see people who suck at parking?

Fight back. lol


I’m printing some out right now.



Perfect, I’ve gotta do some shopping over the next couple days.

from rochester…

tdown to the “we all do it sometimes, you just happened to get caught” part.

A few weeks back some girl was trying to parallel park outside of the student union at UB. She tried like 20 times, as I stared at her, then she drove away. Hahahaha. :tup:

prints 5,000 of these.

lmao omg thats fuckin funny !!!

i got a book of these things from spencers a couple years ago… and another one from some prank store in rochester… i’ve been a loser and left them on cars. waited in my car until they came out. and laughed when they read it.

it kills time on a rainy day.

Saw this on roclife, very funny

no shit, makes the tickets so lame…

Wow, I’ll run myself out of paper in just one day, and that’ll be in front of my own building…

im having ricecop flash backs

we need this at dunn tire, people park infornt of our bays or they just pick an open part of the path for other cars

Awesome :slight_smile:
I’m bringing one outside to put on a BMW parked in a walkway.

kind of related.

when i worked at precision bikes, people would park in our lot and go to the shop at the next building (ours was on a corner, so it was easier to get in and out of). Well, the manager hated when people did this so when people did, he’d move the “parking for precision bikes only” sign right in front of their drivers door, such that they would have to move it to get in their car. lol. He was such a baby though.