Server Names

What are some cool server naming schemes you have used?

We are going to be setting up about 5 servers and 20 workstations that are going to have host names set.

Our last 3 setups were flowers names, beer names, and most recently auto makes.

Looking for something else for this one that can give us enough names for the setup.

names from anchorman:

Ron Burgundy

Veronica Corningstone

Brian Fantana

Brick Tamland

Champ Kind

Ed Harken

Garth Holliday

Dr. Chim Richels

Wes Mantooth

Arturo Mendes


My last job I used Marvel superheroes and villans for server names.

Greek gods
US Cities
Transformers (ultra-geeky)

Flowers names is kinda gay though.

food, musicians of a genre, characters from book/tv/play/whatever…

You forgot Dorothy and Wes Mantooth… n00b

Mike Hawk

We had NHL player names at my last place until we hired a real admin and he started using computer nerd type names like “appserver01”. Connecting to database “gretsky” (yes, I know I spelled it wrong) was so much cooler. Would have been even better if it was properly spelled gretzky but renaming the most critical SQL server in a company isn’t an easy thing to do.

thanks fggt matt…


One of our clients uses Silver20, Silver21, Silver22, etc… I want to shoot myself every time I have to deal with them.

Ours are GI Joe’s character from the cartoon…

Pooorn staars :lol:

Man we had that for at least two years before someone who cared caught on.

-Jon Reremy


ultra useful naming convention :tup:

Simpsons characters.

Homer - file/print PDC

Marge - BDC

Bart - main app server

Lisa - mail server

Maggie - isa server

the list goes on…

The IT lab had an Alice and Wonderland theme going for a while.

I have a South Park theme going.

If the network was larger then this naming style probably wouldn’t be a good idea…

Name them ethnic Slurs.

“Cheese eating surrender-monkey” :lol:

Umm not to burst your developer bubble :nono: but most real admins prefer non identifiable names like greek gods. Well in mine and Marcs case it was norse gods :slight_smile: … ymir, loki, balder, odin :slight_smile:

Can’t get forget my ulta servers with Lord of the Rings names :slight_smile:

One thing to note in big enterprises though there are naming standards to help identify where a box was and whats it purpose is. PI was trying to adopt this.

I disagree with your real admins comment…

So many kinds of portscans and OS detection techniques that simply naming your servers random names offers no mitigation of risk…

the matrix.


Please post up some public IPs to your Mac network :loopie: