Setting up cams

I’m pulling apart a KA from a 92 (for rebuild and maybe boost), currentl it’s stripped down to block and head, and I got my buddy to help me lift it up into the engine stand.
Now keeping in mind that I understand how the engine works, what parts are what, etc…and that this is a learning process for me, it is quite a bit more involved than I have experience with (changing timing chains/belts, clutches, water pumps, etc.)
My question is, what can I expect to deal with as far as setting up the cams and timing when I reassemble?
I know to turn piston 1 (I’m assuming the piston closest to front of engine) to TDC, but is there any extra info that I need to know in order to not grenade this thing when I start it up?
I.E. are there line-up dowels on the cams? Is it reletively easy to see when the piston is Exactly TDC? Etc.
If this is a pain-in-the-ass post, just lock it and move on.
If someone is willing to take the time to reply or pm, it would be appreciated.

Sorry to bump unintentionally,
But it just occured to me as I drink beer and remember that I work next to a nissan specialty shop, that some guys may want to see pictures of the inards as I rip this apart.
Let me know. WARNING, I don’t wait long.
I’m ripping into the valve train now. Timing covers coming off and such.
BTW, what’s the name of the TC guide on top between the cams officially?
It’s clean sheered off. Which leads me to believe that this is something for other guys to look forward to (lots of gouges and I expect is really hard on the chain).
Anyhow. PM or reply.