sex laws

courtesy of dom

“In Harrisburg, Pennsylvania it is illegal to have sex with a truck driver inside a toll booth” :rofl:

Weird. I’ll be sure to visit a Tropical Fish store when I’m in England.

In Florida it is illegal for single, divorced, or widowed women to parachute on Sunday afternoons.

What if a lady was parachuting with her husband and his shoot didn’t open. Well when she made the jump she would have been married, but when she landed she would have widowed…?

so her husband didnt live thur the fall?

During lunch breaks in Carlsbad, New Mexico no couple should engage in a sexual act while parked in their vehicle, unless their car has curtains.

I guess this explains all those mexicans with the curtain balls hanging around their headliners?

is this for real?

I wanna see the code in the pa law book about the toll booth shit lol
