riding in back of truck

is it illegal to ride in the back of a pick up truck? ive always wondered, couldnt find anythin on the topic so figured id ask on here

Yes it is.

It is indeed; illegal.

thats what i thought, but my boss said that if all your seat belts are used then u can

straight up, your boss sounds like a retard.

hey guys i heard that if your wife is sleeping, its ok to go rape women on the street.

“dun worry biddie my boss said it was all good”

use common sense or become a statistic


ill give you $10 to do it and video tape it. i want 60 min clip of it from local street to hwy.

dude is your boss a FOB?? how long has he been in the country?? its legal in 3rd world countries ex( where im from El Salvador) you can throw your whole family in the truck bed and drive down there but DEFF not here common sense buddy lol ask your boss has he done it before? or ask yourself …have you seen anyone do it?? :stuck_out_tongue:

You ever been to Wasaga beach?

it used to be legal to have any number of people inside your car as long as all seat belts were being used properly. This was changed recently when a van full of people crashed. as far as a the bed of a pick up, definitely illegal.

It used to be legal, untill the late 90’s. Law used to state it was acceptable only if all occupants in the cab were wearing seatbelts, and the rear passengers had to sit with their backs toward the cab.

Its fun when its a nice night and your chillin in the box being driven

i never said that i thought it was legal, nor that i want to do it. i thought my boss was wrong, but just thought id ask.

yes i have but up those ways you get away with enuff shiet dont matter but b realistic when i said have you seen anyone do it? i meant local roads like the GTA or highways duhh :slight_smile:

what if you have seats that are bolted down with seatbelts? lol

Who gets away with HTA in wasaga?

I heard if you yell surprise before you rape some one its legit.

Maybe he is thinking the whole, " Can only have as many people in your vehicle as you have seat belts" So if you have a truck with a driver you can stuff like 4 people in the back legally lol

I used to do it as a kid. I was a boy scout back in the day, and we went up to Owen Sound in the back of a truck with a cab. Good times. Not the safest thing in the world, but it was pretty damn fun, especially as a kid.