Personally, in the front seat, I ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS wear mine. I even buckle up the 4 point harnesses for a trip across a parking lot.
I only wear it in the back sometimes. If the driver is making me nervous (certain females) or it’s very shitty out, i usually buckle up in the back seat.
PoLe is multiple choice. Obviously only choose one for fron and one for rear.
Mitch: Sorry, your seatbelt seems to be broken. What do you recommend I do?
Cab Driver: I recommend you stop being such a faggot. You’re in the backseat.
its just a habit…get in the car and reach for the belt Always in the front…depends on teh back if its a big truck where i can fly around alot I usually do…but a small car if all i got is a seat in front of me which i would hit with a belt on anyway sometimes i dont
I’m deffinitly one of those people that usually dont wear it, or forget to put it on
honeslty… I probably wear one about 10% of the time. In the back, I do the same as the person that said if the driver was making them nervous, they’d wear one