PŌL: How Frequently do you wear a seatbelt?

I wear mine always. Front and back. To those who don’t wear it in the back because you say all you will hit is the seat in front of you, When your body hits that seat, that seat will then move foward and compound the injuries to the person in the front seat. So you should be wearing your seatbelt in the back not only to protect yourself, but also to protect the person sitting in front of you.

Good idea, since a 4pt without a cage pretty much = broken neck in a rollover.

I’m waiting for someone to come up with…

In my best douche bag voice:

“A buddy of mine got into an accident with his truck and he wasn’t wearing his seatbelt. The only reason he lived was 'cuz he didn’t have it on. Thats why I don’t wear one.”

i used to never wear a seatbelt, then after i went to defensive driving a few years ago, it made me change my ways. AFter that class… i dont think i ever drive without a seatbelt on


when im driving i always wear one. if im just ridin along not likely unless with someone crazy

are you retarded? i said a couple drinks, not blowing a 0.14 …

if i can have a couple, drive fine, and be WELL UNDER the LEGAL limit, then STFU. its not my fault you can’t handle two beers, so don’t be mad at me b/c of it. fucking retard.

im happy to hear you wear your seat belt in the back seat. pussy.




I could retort, but I think this post speaks volumes.

i always were mine…click it or ticket

so if you (minglor and jaysgreenlx) went to a happy hour after work, and had 2 beers, you would take a cab home? or call a friend for a ride?

im not condoning drinking and driving, but if it has no effect on you, its about as dangerous as driving normally.

If I drank 2 beers I would be a fucking mess.

It’s just interesting that you say it has no effect on you, but you say you rarely buckle up unless you have been drinking.

So you either buckle up to avoid being pulled over and blowing over the limit (if you are not over the limit why would it even matter?) or you feel your abilities are impaired and need the security of a seatbelt should you ram into a school yard full of first graders.

Likewise…call me a pansy if you will, but I have better things to spend money on than alcohol.

always in the front. most of the time in the back…i feel weird without it on.

Then if it is the same as driving normally then why do you bother to buckle up?

By saying you buckle up then you are say the conditions are not like normal, because normally you are bad ass and don’t buckle up.

i understand what you’re saying. it’s probably more that people mainly drink at night, that’s when cops look for drunk drivers, and i don’t want to be pulled over for suspicion, be OK for the d-w, but then get a stupid seat belt ticket.

and, yes i’ve been pulled over about 5-6 times for what i thought was absolutely nothing, and always ended up with a “stupid” ticket. eg: no front plate, window tint, loud exhaust, etc. you know, the kinda reasons that you don’t get pulled over for, but that you get a ticket for when nothing else is found to be wrong.

if you have better things to spend money on than a couple drinks, then IMO u need to make a little bit more! just my opinion. have some fun and relax.

a couple drinks will not put you over the legal limit.

I always wear it, even in the rear seat. I’m sure the responsible seatbelt wearers up front would not appreciate 150lbs flying at them in a front end collision.

l00ks like as of the results riT3 now 8 people exclusively drive/ride in 2 seaterZ.

Always in the front.
Sometimes in the back.

The one time I didnt wear one I got pulled over,no ticket though :wink:

even after i had 2 beers i wouldnt even fucking think about getting behind the wheel, unless it was like 3 hours later