Sexah Beast!

wat tails are those:S
looks like 350z?

i guess he really wants a chevy avalanche

no its optimus primer


That’s so awesome!

for some reason i heard x’s voice

I like that…lol

good god…

AUTOBOTS ASSEMBLE. Atleast we’re safe from a decepticon invasion.

kinda looks like the batmobile from the new batman movies…

WOW…thats like straight out of Star Wars. Strom Troopers …mobile. lool

Amazing expenditure of money I say…!!



LMAO thats nasty

thats the new R.I.C.E (Royal Insane Combat Express). Apparently its got missile launchers on the back and a gattling gun which pops out from the sunroof, it is the vehicle of choice for the R.C.M.P (Rice-out Car of Montreal’s Poser)

^ ^ ^ woah easy there lol
the amount of fab on this thing is crazy, but should’ve made it look more like a halo truck or some shit

mad max

Its an avalanche, noob.

HAHAHA owned

It probably runs smoother and more reliably than most 240’s. And it probably has less rust.

It looks like an unfinished project - not unlike 240’s. But this one will probably see the fruition of completion.
