Shady and Srs Bzns pedo adventures part 1

TheRonTom31: its not a horrible idea
TheRonTom31: I can think of worse ideas
TheRonTom31: driving around with a naked 15 yearold in a convertible
white: umm def more fun thou
TheRonTom31: and the brick of cocaine
white: oh well
white: now thats just a good time
white: so fucked up it wont matter anyways
TheRonTom31: convertible makes it easy for them to escape
white: thats why you lace everything with coke
white: and make them snort “pixie stix”
TheRonTom31: pixy sticks of crushed rufies
white: and the coke
white: dont forget the coke
white: you need her to snort all of it before the cops find it
white: that have been taling you for the past 30 miles
white: hmm a 15 year old… naked and a brick of coke… how much you think she can snort before she dies?
TheRonTom31: make her eat it
TheRonTom31: will take longer to kill her
TheRonTom31: then you can dump the body
white: dude you cant dump the nbody there cops behind you
white: because someone decided to drive a convertable
TheRonTom31: 15 yearolds are attracted to dudes with aviators and my little pony dolls in a convertible
white: yea well now the cops saw a naked girl and a suspecious substance and are following you good job!.. all that coke and nonsense wasted and you cant even get your dick wet without the cops seeing
TheRonTom31: put the top up at the next stop light
TheRonTom31: act casual. they’ll never suspect
TheRonTom31: then road head
white: yea but the bitch is starting to freak out… I dont know if id trust those pearly white innocent teeth near my cock
TheRonTom31: hand job
TheRonTom31: the twitching will make it extra special
white: hmm good idea…
white: what about the mess… make her lick it all up? should go real good with the coke in her stomach
TheRonTom31: should help settle her stomach
TheRonTom31: or if your good she is small enough to sit on your lap and you can still drive
TheRonTom31: sex drive negro
white: yea but the cop just turned on their lights… fuckkk
TheRonTom31: cheese it
TheRonTom31: this isnt aq convertible sun fire
white: dude how you exspect to run form the cops with a coked out 15 year old and your dickin flappin in the wind… we aint got nowhere to go
TheRonTom31: you must be new to this
TheRonTom31: thats a regular tuesday afternoon for me
white: alright fuck this… pull over, bend that coked out slut over i nthe pass seat bang her… leave her a nice creamie pie and book it… its only 1 cop hell have to stop for the girl
white: throw her out the door into the ditch
white: oh fuck…
TheRonTom31: yeah. I mean the car is stolen anyway
white: i just creamed in the girl
white: they haz the DNA
TheRonTom31: they cant track it back to you
TheRonTom31: again you are a noob
white: ahh good point
TheRonTom31: girl finishes you with her mouth
TheRonTom31: stomach acid destroys evidence
white: ahh true but what about any in the mouth? any residue im sure something could be found
TheRonTom31: my dicks big enough its in the throat
TheRonTom31: no reachable
white: alright cops gone… hmm she looks 13 new car and we still got some coke?
white two in one day… risky
TheRonTom31: yes wednesday is the day you cruise the mail for 13 yearolds
white: ahh till tommorow then

jesus, thats fucked up. lmao

You know last summer I actually did drive around with a naked 17 yearold in my car. Like totally naked

Pics or ban

I have some txt message pics of her at home.

and they are not posted yet. why???

cause im at work

WEAK MAN… WEAK… i excpeted better from you

They are NWS and off an old phone so its not like i could have them hosted somewhere for easy access.

I will post as attachments tonight. I may even include her myspace in pms if i am paypal’d money. She is a slut would bang for like dinner someplace nice. 18 now decent body I give a 8.5 shes is just the epitomy of a dumb bitch. I couldnt stand her for more than a few hours

I demand all pics in my PM Box…

lol… nice… in on seeing if we can hook her up with joey

F* that, I’ll take her for a night…:banana

Shift gangbang event?

She has a g thug boyfriend and I wouldnt wish this girl on my own worst enemy.

It was cool for me cause I just wanted some action every now and then haha

hey! I’m G thugin too! :wierd

half black chick. go figure right

oooo kinda like Beyonce… lmao

SO where’s the pics?

You’ve peaked my interest

Must be the fro