Shady McCoy

I can name numerous college standouts that never made it into the pros. What you said is absolutely your own opinion, not fact. I expect quotes about college sports from fair weather fans to sound something like that though. If a person is truly a fan of football they are going to understand the vast difference between NCAA and NFL football. Its not always a player’s physical ability or statistics between the lines that make a pro. Being committed to a team and a student of the game go a long way in the NFL. When you get guys with the right blend of mental and physical abilities is how you get a great pro. I love college football to death but guys can get away with “out-athleting” the competition at least until they try play in the NFL.

That is why I think Shady McCoy will be a great college athlete and then turn pro with relative ease. He has a quality head on his shoulders by making the choice to stay and play under a former NFL coach in a Pro style system. If PITT ran some spread or option scheme then I would have the total opposite opinion. I think guys that play in those systems have a much larger learning curve when they turn pro which is why so few make it. So for those guys, the earlier they can get to the pros and learn, the better off they are.

It doen’t even matter right now… it is all speculation. he could tear his ACL in camp this upcomig year just like Kinder, and ruin all hopes of the NFL big $$$. Who cares right now. he will change his mind 9 times before he has to actually make the decision. Too bad he doesn’t have a better coach at Pitt.

I think Wannstedt is fine coach for Pitt. He is doing a fine job bringing in fresh talent, winning games and moving this program in the right direction. We do realize that Pitt is ranked 23 in the BCS poll, correct? Its not spectacular being that we couldn’t pull off the win against Cincy but its better than not being ranked.

as more teams switch to the spread it will be hard for NFL teams to field an NFL style QB…this will work to Pitt’s advantage recruiting QBs that wanna go pro as a passer… Pat white will probably play baseball.

  1. his marketing potential can go through the roof if he has a great JR year and/or wins the heisman. possible endorsements like the cover of NCAA Football 11’, nike, adidas, etc…
  2. his legacy will be there with tony dorsett and dan marino instead of larry fitz and curtis martin
  3. AWARDS…heisman, walker, maxwell, all-american, big east player of the year, dapper dan, etc…
  4. draft stock can go from late first to top 10…big difference in money
  5. Willis Mcgahee: willis took out insurance before his bowl game with OSU in which he tore his acl. had he never played again he would have gotten 2 mill…be he came back to be still be drafted 23 overall
  6. NFL linebackers all hit hard! you may have a college team with one killer LB, in the NFL they are all killers…some of them literally! an extra year to get bigger and faster would be in his best interest
  7. injury…yes he could get injured but he could also get injured on the first day of nfl camp and only leave with his signing bonus and never play a down. you can’t play and be a great RB if you have fear. injury should not be in his mind…if it is, he should stay because you cant be timid in the NFL.
  8. Oppurtunity: pitt has a chance to do great things next year and McCoy will be a HUGE part…his status would instantly go from star to LEGEND

I hope people do look at from a money perspective but not the quick money for leaving now…i’m talkin the big cash in if he has a monster JR year… if he left now its like pulling ur stocks out to early.

people remember a lot of guys that were stars in college and sucked in the pros… ron dayne, kijana carter, geno toretta, ty detmer, andre ware…THE ROCKET!!! holy **** the rocket was probably the best player to never win a heisman…Hugh Green…rick mier, tommy fraiser, danny wurfel, rex grossman, hershel walker for God;s sake was a MONSTER in college and his NFL career was no where near that and he remained popular because of his status he built as a college player.

tony d was one of the best NFL running backs ever but a lot of people not just in pittsburgh know tony for what he did at pitt and bringing pitt from worst to first.

The only one in that entire group I ever heard of was Hershel Walker.

good thing we have you around to provide the measuring stick of a college football career.

and really? Rex Grossman for the Chicago Bears? Florida Gator. 2001 Player of the year? Edged out of the Heisman by Eric Crouch?

I am a casual fan of football, probably close to how a lot of people are. Noone cares about college football except for people in college or losers who still care about “their school” that they went to.

ron dayne is the alltime leading rusher in the history of college football and you never heard of him…ur not a casual fan.

College football is probably the most televised sport in this country… apperently a lot of people care about it. The president elect has made public comments about it… SOMEBODY is watching college football. College football fills 100.000 seat stadiums…SOMEBODY is going to games… YOU don’t care about college football.

its clearly not the most televised… maybe just the fact that there are more teams than any other sport?

you can find a college football game on wednesdays, thursdays, fridays, saturdays in the fall. saturday you can find a game on NBC(ND@home) abc, cbs, espn, espn2, espn classic, CBS College, FSN, big 10 network… maybe college hoops because the season is longer and there are even more D1 teams for hoops but other than that what sports is shown more? whether or not its the most watched watched is not the question… is it the most televised nationally? baseball with the exception of espn is all local, same with hockey and Vs. The NFL is shown sunday and monday (and thurs or sat when CFB isn’t playing)




How come Pitt can’t fill a 65,000 seat stadium? Shady McCoy must not be that good.

we’ve went over this a million times. pitt is a college team in a pro sports town. people only have so much money to go around. there are NFL teams in pro towns that can’t even fill stadiums of the same size. I love pitt and hate heinz but i go anyway because i live close and i can park for free. some people arent as dedicated and/or cant afford a ticket and parking. It has nothing to do with mccoy…

Why do you waste your time replying to a typical PSU douchebag?

Why does penn State get more coverage in pittsburgh than Pitt. I know it is a pro town but PSu doesn’t have trouble getting press…
Bite me Bics…

Don’t flatter yourself, WVU gets just as much “press” in pittsburgh.

because joe poopy pants is basically a sideshow act. he keeps the media entertained at his press conferences. The only thing thou to tell the difference between a press conference in 88 to 2008 is the thickness of his glasses.

No need to waste your time replying to the douche…

anyone read the Q&A this yesterday about greg llyod’s son playing LB for UCONN? I think what lloyd did to his son was a lil harsh but his intentions were right on track…sometimes you have to put the fear of God into ur kids to get them to act right.