Shaggy's eBay Honda

Maybe Vaportrail might know a good engine swap for this one…

58 MPG that is nuts

58 mpg! That would be a cool motor swapped car…

Im pretty sure I saw one of these Friday near Rogers Ohio. It was yellow sitting in a front yard with FS sign. Didnt know what it was.

should buy it and stick a ls1 in it.

There’s one in teh showroom at Blair Honda in mint condition.

Damn, that is a pimp old school hatch back. It even has the shifter in the dash similar to my car. That would be a funky project. I wish I had some extra cash to burn for this silly thing.

I’d get a yugo first

for being 1312 lb it would be a good car to start with

that is bad-to-the-freaking-ass!!!

id make a SPL car outta that