She can has the sex with a 14 yr old and get away with it?

This goes under the idea that you can’t rape a guy (outside suprise buttsecks) both wanted it so the idea of a “victim” is a hard pill to swollow.

It is def a double standard, if it was a 22 year old guy and a 14 year old girl we all would think that fucked up.

Its psychological we see girls as innocent and being taken advantaged of when they are young. I look at some of my 8th grade students as being taken advataged of when some of them are going out with 10th graders and thats only a 2 year difference.

The only problem here is that boy might have a fucked up view of women now, if he doesn’t then cudos for him it would have been nice to get some older women experience when I was 14.