she just doesnt learn... lohan arrested again

i still want to see her dance like a whore in her new movie but other than that second place to the waste of skin contest to paris hilton. Shes tied with brittney.



she was so much more cute / hott when she was 17 - 18. Then fucking BAM… ewww.

I’d still hit it. but I wouldn’t call it afterwards.


she was so much more cute / hott when she was 17 - 18. Then fucking BAM… ewww.


Drugs are bad, MMMmmm kay?

She’s well on her way to looking like she’s 50 by the time she’s 25. If she lives that long.

she could do lines of coke off my dick for all i care, she still fuckin hot


why does her mouth look so small?


i bet she can suck a mean dick!!

im with zwarbyt on this one. You can’t get a member of your entourage to carry your drugs/drive you when your license is suspended and you’re drinking? :picard:

Good to see that alcohol monitoring bracelet really works :bloated:


Good to see that alcohol monitoring bracelet really works :bloated:


oh im sure it went off, no worries about that lol


Hopefully, she will dead herself soon.


  • 1eleventybillion

i would do her

i bet she can suck a really mean dick!


i would do her


oh, i’m not saying that I wouldn’t.

I just mean to say that i would’ve gladly taken a number in line few years ago. Now, i’ll avoid the deli meat unless its late at night and theres no line.

She’ll get over this whole drug and alcohol thing in the next couple of years. It’s the age, and I’m sure it’s just a phase.

Shit, she’s hot as hell.

she blows between 2-3 grams of coke a night

it’s a phase til she dies

and i laugh

its the age? she’s 3 years older then you. ?

She will drug out and grow haggard awefully fast. Destined to be an E True Hollywood Story

if she’s not hot without $thousands in makeup work by pros, then shes not hot as hell.

Yeah, I think it’s a phase, and I know a lot of people who get into drugs and alcohol around their late teens early 20’s. They’re fucking stupid, but I believe it’s a phase. I didn’t get into it because I’m smarter than that. I’m not saying I don’t do anything but I don’t abuse it.

And even without makeup, she’s a good looking girl. She doesn’t even look that haggard. I bet your girlfriend looks worse without makeup. Shit, I know I do.

lol, no.

Very rarely do women look “better” with makeup… it’s always overdone and wasteful.

Also, it’s the mentality of it all that makes it that much worse.

and, I love my wife without makeup. When we attend dinners, or a theatre, or a family function she’ll use far less makeup then 95% of the woman that I’ve known & see everyday at work in a business casual atmosphere.

Aha! I said your girlfriend, not your wife. Hahaha. Nahh. Then you’re lucky then. Congrats. Now post pics of wife. :slight_smile:


Aha! I said your girlfriend, not your wife. Hahaha. Nahh. Then you’re lucky then. Congrats. Now post pics of wife. :slight_smile:


yup you gotta do it dude.