She's single now, so i have a chance, right?

Body SOoooooOooOOOooO nice, just want to GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR


but shes an idiot…

that actually does matter too

ya I would not date her, just pound the hell out of here,

you date smart Cute as hell girls with mint bodys and (when single) you bang the hell out of Sexy slutty girls that are two retarted to remember your name and phone number

GTFO :roll:

so hot, The first 2 pictures are scary looking but nice boobs.

But yeah she seems like an idiot but i read an article on her and it seems like mostly an act, Everything she said seemed well thought out.

Eather way i would hit it, 15 times over.

jessica simpson is my favourite of the celeb chickas… along with charleze theron… grrrrrrrrrrraaar

Guys I would marrie her and then come out with “Married Life II” and make millions, bang the crap out of her and then dump her for a bigger celebrity. After I date her for a year the rest of the women would be on their knees to date Jessicas Simpsons ex boyfriend just so they can say “he left Jessica Simpson for me”
I think she is awesome but hes sister in the other hand totally sucks…but I would probably bang her too just for fun.

Talking about celebrtities
I still think Ashton Kutcher is the man for Milfing it with Demi Moore!
And Justin Timberlake is also the man for milfing it with Cameron Diaz!

I’d turn her into Karla Homolka and ask that she kill her sister for me :smiley:
Ashlee seriously needs to die… seriously… Along with Hillary, Linsay, Kelly, and any other: I’m famous for no apparent reason, have no talent and deserve to DIE.