Ok. I Deliver pizza in Guilderland, and there are nice cars everywhere. Most of which, i see like 3 times a day. I love Vlad, its no secret. I really want to start passing out cards to clean/well done cars i see.
Who can i give money to, to come up with, and print official looking cards for shift. I would like to see this community grow. The group we have now is nice, but it would be cool to have new opinions and ideas from people who arent on here already. I have no problem fronting money for this, i want like 100 just for myself, official looking flyers or whatever to hand out. Something with the logo obviously, and the website. And on the back somewhere i can write like… “you’ve been spotted!” join the shift518.com local community!
or something like that. It annoys me when i see someones car and i’m like… fuck, i dont want to be cheesy and leave a pizza reciept with my name and a written website. It would look bunk.
ok enough rambling. Who does this kind of stuff?

Kinda plain and boring but…better then pizza receipts.
yah… should put a logo somewhere on there, like “We know fast, locally” or something
but thats what i’m talking about. maybe in like 3" x 5" dimensions. With a spot on the back… so the person who put it on the car gets some credit or something. Like the referral thing that doesnt work yet. just like “you’ve been spotted by _____”
friendly community, is not only a lie but it makes us sound like a gaypride site

I tryied to change it before someone could read because i cracked up at it myself haha. :lol
looks good… can you print those on like… some soft of paper or like plastic? 3x5 cards would be sweet. Something like those Sneaky Pete’s flyer things they hand out at colleges.
i would be able to do them…but the other half of my company has another local car website, lol and he does the cool glossy white card things and sweet designs, im just a decal making non creative work horse
How much would it cost? can you seriously get a price… no one else will do this. I really want to, i’ll buy 'em. Let me know how much
I think this will be a good idea…and if you have who spotted you i think it would look good on your end knowing you helped out
Swifty, I can pitch in like a 20 for the good cause. I’ll put some cards on some nice cars I see as well
yah… hopefully DJ can come up with something. I don’t have the means to create anything or print anything, but i have some cash to throw at helping the site. I enjoy it… so why not promote it? plus i’m not senselessly driving around, i’m working… so its no big thing to put a flyer on someones car.
How about people create the bussiness card designs. And when we have about 4-6 Designs we can make a post with a poll and see which one people like the best and that will become our official bussiness card. Then we just need to make a PDF file (8 cards per sheet) of the card in good quality and post it on the forum so we can just print them on thick paper at home or work.
PS: I’d love to print and carry a couple with me, to give out to people.
i agree with all except the printing them out. We should get a few designs going… and then vote, and have DJ or someone print 'em on laminated plastic cards or soemthing, ill pay for 'em. Or we can have a bunch of people pitch in if they feel the need, i just want 'em to be official and no one else seemed to be doin anything about 'em… so if its the money hold it up, let the cards start getting passed out!
theres places online that will do 3x5 glossy flyer things like for club promo or whatever, all you have to do is send them the design, thats the best option
I’m designing “spotted” cards at the moment. Swifty I love the enthusiasm :thumb
However, the order I’m making will be a rather large one to save money, therefor they will all be the same, the problem with that is? I can’t make any cards for specific members that would have the member name on there to know who referred them.
The only two options is either not know who referred you, or have a blank white space on each card where members could write in their name when they hand them out.
can’t you have the back of the card be white? so that we can write our name in like “_____” spotted you.
whats the design look like? and do you want some money towards these? i would like to being asap!
yea, just one design with a blank spot so you can right your name in or somthing
ok so… get moving on this! no more fucking around vladamir!
or i’m gonna buy index cards and hand fucking write them.
Swifty you’re my hero.
Too bad you wasted so much money on a Honda.