Shift 518 Night Out?

I won’t mention it again. Come! I am sure I will buying a lot of drinks as usual lol

i will try to come out as well.

wow you have been in a bad mood lately nicole

bring your boyz from the ti lot with the pickup trucks :lol

ouch ! he dont mean it like that, i dont mean it like that, be easy ! damn !

word do it up

my b-day is on the 9th, so maybe going out on the 10th is feasable? heh

for sure, how old u gonna be ?


Sorry Singh. :rofl


i wasnt sure if you even of age

:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol idk, do even look my age? i know at times(well more than not) i dont act it, but i hate being serious all the goddamn time. no fun that way, rite?:thumbup

ya dont worry about the seriousness as long as u handle your business its all good

im game perhaps

age means nothing

Im not really looking for sluts. Just not my thing to pick up random sluts.

Its not like I never leave the house- I do go out to bars occasionally.

Still dont know if Im going or not.

i know i know I KNOW ! dammit i was joking !

ya come out, why not man at least u’ll know its gonna be a fun night or whatever, u never know what the fuck is gonna happen when singh comes out

Just come out man, it’ll be way better than being sober standing around a parking lot.

Lets keep this towards the top.

5)PJB (cmon man just do it)
6)Possibly Vot
7)Jammer if he’s in town
9)Various people that I bring from Ti

Add your name to the list if you are coming!

Im going :thumbup We can put on our dancing shoes…but uhh wait we better make sure there are no damn dog toys on the floor that I can trip over LOL!