Shift 518 Night Out?


lol ya so anyone else who wants to come out its whatever… come out idc i’ll be there if u wanna meet me and beat me up for talkin smack on the interwebs ;D


So did this night out ever happen?

this was a fail and three quarters

If I had a place to stay for a weekend I would totally be down to get blasted beyond belief and partake in shenanigans…

Next sat


ya but u and murkdog are both underage so its not gonna be worth it for u to come out, plus we gotta keep it legal and legit on shift about this underage stuff…

btw u still got my id ?does it work …prolly not right ?


gerrrafes dont kno shit ! :rofl

it hasnt even happened yet, its next weekend foooooos!

if this is happening next weekend i am in :lol

k have fun getting stuck at the door cuz u cant get in, but its cool u can wait outside and when we move to diff bars i’ll throw u a beer here and there :lol

:rofl id like to at least TRY to get in.

Just because that bunk ID worked in OC, MD doesn’t mean it’s going to work up here.
It worked at Seacret’s…probably THE most lax place ever.

you fail

show me an id that mclovin can get in to bars and clubs with and i’ll have faith, until then…

I got into some saratoga bars when I was 19 and 20, but you need to either know somebody or sneak in. Trying to pass yourself off as 21 hasnt worked so well for me but who knows maybe it’ll work for you.