Wish I had a machine worthy of fancy video making.
Can I join if I’m rockin’ a stock car with some wheels/suspension?
only if you huck that shit sideways faggot
Only if you are willing to do a “more than you can afford pal…Lexus” scene where i say that and then you tear off like a ricer and I pull into a wine store (or strip club or Adult world)
I’ll allow it.
i like how you think
is the evo welcome?
any timeframe for when this might happen?
hell ill pull my pos out of the garage!
Id be into it for sure.
I live on consaul, two houses down from partrage run, and i know atleast 5 cops who live in that neighboorhood. wouldnt recommend that.
I will beat the piss out of my car if there is video of it
Do you ever hear a high-pitched, electrical r/c car type whine followed by a loud gunshot-sounding bang after your mother reads goldilox and the 3 bears to you in bed?
I personally do burnouts in Partridge Run all the time, usually after drinking a fifth of jim beam and a liter of TurboTravis “mojo”.
Cool idea-
Skip the backing out of the garage bullshit and normal driving footage. I HATE THAT SHIT.
Anyway, yeah, do an intro screen listing car/mods/power, quick walk around/underhood shot, and 2-3 pull. If you’re shit’s slow, then spend more time on the walk around.
Tomorrow, I am going to make a video of myself backing out of the garage. Just to brush up on my placing the camera on a tripod and editing the raw footage in vegas skills.
And be sure to send me the link ASAP. I’d prefer it if you’d drive in/out of the garage numerous times, sweet-tits.
Actually I might just have someone drive me around so that I can tape unsuspecting people around town. I used to do that in HS and make some fucking hilarious videos from the clowns around here in their cars going about their day all pissed off over nothing :rofl
:rofl Never gets old.