Shift Happens

This presentation was shown at a teachers meeting my mother went to last night. Really makes you think.

Nothing new. Opportunities have simply run out in the US. Everyone is looking to Iran, India and…


Good stuff, points out alot

there was a simple slideshow just like this already. word for word. (so far from what im’ watching)

and it didn’t have gay music.

but yes it is very interesting.

Meh. Too propaganda-y for me. Lots of statistics loosely represented to rile up your emotions.

Really makes me think you’re slipping in your old age…

the education system in this country is in a stupefying drop, its more about getting the kids to graduate than getting them the education they need

I couldn’t even make it to the halfway point, that was probably one of the most pointless video’s i’ve ever watched.

I thought this was going to be a Skunk thread… :gotme:


geez guis, get over it already. ihi


If none of you can think about the fact that the top 25% of China’s population is greater than the entire population of the US, and realize how important that is, I feel sorry for you.

It’s not propaganda or spin, or even anti-china. It’s just a simple fact to think about when you hear people talking about how isolationism is the answer to all the problems in the US, because it’s not.

mother fucker…i knew this was gonna come up when i saw the title.

but i thought the same thing too :x

LOL shut up douche.




Jay… this is not new news.

So should we like not allow countries to have more people than us? Because all that statistic means is that China’s way bigger than the US. Maybe we need some sort of federal cash for making babies program to get those commie bastards. :shrug:


Oh yeah, what’d they call that again? Oh, right. Welfare.

Jay if you’re so worried about Chinas power-to-be, why don’t you find a way to elevate the national standard here?

Brains > brawn allowed us to withstand the last communist bullies…