thanks guys

i found a sick deal today and im going to start the move later today, its very affordable and the specs are better than i expected to find for a similar price

and while at it im going to have the forum under the real domain as well so u wont see anymore in the name, not like it matters anyways

so no more… “you are being redirected, n00b” message??? lol

shit’s workin hellabad right now

shut upppp lol i didnt wanna put up a

“under construction sign”

so i just let it come back online as it was transferring

almost all working now

im going to fix the domain thing too now

LOL, I was going to make some vinyl stickers that said for funnies.


it still works i put a redirect on that now to redirect to haha

cossey maybe we can do something for donators regarding stickers, i dont know… if you’re coming to the chill n grill bring some im sure people will have a few bucks on em

Singh is Kingh. That is all.