Shift518 Anniversary

By your girlfriend, do you still mean Ashton?
I’m not in the mood for making new “girlfriends” so to speak. :lol

yah unless i get a new one before then :slight_smile:

This is going to be fun! I’m down for bar shenanigans afterward!

Hey you told me I smelled good last night!!

Was I pretending you were someone else again?

Since when does Failvis smell good?

Try again…


jay, im in man! thats a def 100 percent yes on my end

i dont think i have anything planned so count amy and i in!:number1

This is gonna be bad…:lmao

Nice. Me and the wife will be there. She should be outta work by then hopefully .


Wife meaning girlfriend, Singh. No actual wife status for me for at least another few years.

just checkin ! :hug

ahh SHIT

get word out! need moar people! if we can get a few more i can work with the manager and try to get the price down if possible.

Damn. I be working that night.

lookin for updates, making sure people still plan on going. not trying to hangout w/ k20power alone all night.

