Shift518 Anniversary

frankie will be up that weekend with his girlfriend… im sure they will be there and we can all hit up bars after!


ok so when is this again? yeah i’ll prolly be comin out , havent had sex with swiffer for like a year now

You’re still a pussy in my book, just not as big of one. :tongue

When you get married I’ll upgrade you to BIG POON status. For now L.P. will have to do… :lol

count me in

this is gonna suck

Forgot all about this and made plans to go to NYC that weekend, mah bad guise :frowning:

I’d go to this but i have a rule about allowing my self to be in a room with more than three faggots at a time

so when is it

only if you show up will there be any sucking.

too lazy to click page 1?

No, it would still suck if I wasn’t there, there would just be literal sucking if I was.


Bump, this sat!!!

i thought it was last sat.:facepalm

lets see how many people actually show up

ill be there its only a stones throw away!

ohh this sat? ya alright then im down, lets do this son !

So wheres this gonna be again??

srsly? can’t read post 1?

srsly… no