Shift518 Drift Discussion

It’s ok to be a hater if you want, Tom is.

^^ Hilarious!!!

Screw DEs, I’m going racin bitches!


oh, now I know why that heroes comment might not have been endearing…

And how do you think they learned to get a feel for car control before they hit the track and decided they wanted to be in a car on the track in the first place?

Most pro drifters are pro racers as well like you said.

You do you, why do you care that others like to drift primarily? it’s still car control, just a different form of it.

I hope to get one of you guys as an instructor, but I fear for the things Jesse may convince me to do.

That’s not true, I’m just fearful of the potential aftermath :rofl

Why are you track guys such snobs all the time? Seriously get over yourself. We get it you’re a good driver… I can’t believe nobody called you guys out earlier.

COM events cost $300. Most of us aren’t drifting cause we want to climb the ladder, we’re doing it for fun. We’re not trying to be the next Ueo. We’re just kids that want to dick around not fuck up our daily driver and go home. Thus, we have limited budgets we don’t have $300 we can just throw around.

Alright how about this, when i go to COM events in the spring. If they black flag me for drifting you’ll refund my $300.

False, The majority of drifters come from no other form of motorsport, but just did street drifting. Then the rest came from road racing, rally, autox, or w.e.

Most Japanese drifters, the popular ones, made their money/got famous racing. Almost every drifter any random 15 yr old kid could name off right now raced JTGC/Super GT or open wheel, etc.

But they BECAME racers by learning on da’ streeettt.

haha, i have in the past, as i am a drag racer…but it doesnt get anywhere so ive given up. i cant drive so i dont have an opinion…

…and where has drag racing got you? :rofl

I don’t go risk getting tickets/my own money to be famous, I do it for the ladies.

where has having stripes gotten you?? dude dont bash my preferance, i dont bash yours…

can we just move this shit to “Drift Discussions”? Stop littering this thread?

uhh I’m not bashing anything, you said you used to do it, but it didn’t get you anywhere.

Christ you domestic guys are moody.

I would never convince you to do anything you are not comfortable doing or are not able to do. My life and everyone else’s on the track is in your hands as a driver. Driving and learning within your abilities is paramount to everyone having a good day.

Please dont let Tom’s elitism form your opinion of the rest of us.

I’m here to get more of you guys to come to the track with us. Tom’s here to undo all that. :rofl

Edit: I forgot, I’m also here to call Tom slow.

no i said that I used to defend drag racing and to try to get the road racers off their high pedestals. I STILL drag race and love every minute of it…

Gotcha, I misread your post.

You guys are still moody.

As far as i’m concerned if you take any other meaning from what i’ve said your an idiot. All i said was most pro drifters are racers. Thats a fact…any good driver can drift his way through any turn on any track. It’s called car control, you either have it…or you don’t. Whether your a jackass who can’t afford to go to the track or just some jerkoff who thinks he’s the shit, none of that matters. What matters is… is that i WILL pass you with a vengeance and flip you the bird while doing it. :cool

No pedestal here. I just love it. I also do a lot of recruiting for our own events. Calling drag racers pussies has gotten us a lot of registrations in the past. ;D

I was exaggerating. :rofl

Ill give ya that :lol

Not you, some others on this forum. It gets tiring hearing hown your form of auto-sport sucks and is no fun blah blah. Ill defend drag racing to the death, cuz to me its fun as all hell! Same idea, driver trying to get the best time…id say it takes skill

You guys are making me moderate, stop it.

I did get the chance to see the first page of this thread, though, and it reminded me that I grabbed Jammer’s spare, and when combined with my current spare (which is a rear DS2 jesse, yeah I’m running an 8.5 and a 7.5 out back. so what.) makes for a set of DRIFT WHEELS CHEAP RUBBER HERE I COME LOL OMG DOES ANYONE KNOW THE NUMBER TO FEDERAL TIRES??? SUMITOMOS MAYBE???omg

I have old race tires to burn off already mounted on SSRs. I got Team Pearly McStripes covered.