Shift518 Membership benefit for Wud VW Saturday August 28

Thanks for coming by and getting the bimmer on the rollers. I love those 335’s. the LGT looked and sounded great too. Nice to meet you guys, gl with everything.

Yeah kiid. Nice to meet you too and shoot the shit. Your a good egg. Glad to see we keep to car talk and didnt nerd everyone away with some BA computer techie talk lol. See ya around, man, thanks for swingin by.

Thanks to the rest ouf you guys that stopped by and did what you did. Your all great people, and we all apprecieated your attendance. Personally I wasnt bummed out at all, if 1 showed or 100 showed, it didnt reall matter. We are all human and have lives we need to live, its all good.

It was nice to meet some new faces, Hanstech (proude owner of a 300+WHP swift :rofl), redevil… the rest of the guys I met before.

SSSSSmookin, we gotta see if peeetur can make it up the hill on the quad in a week or two at your place, that should be a good time! Thx for your support man, BTW, PM me your number again, I was looking for it last night to call you and see how to get on round lake now that they closed the ramp on 9. we were thinking of going this AM and wanted to see what u were up to.