Shift518 vs NADSNY


Such a trouble maker.

you go boy.

They can suck my balls, the one guy is butthurt that he didn’t make a dime off the bike and the rest just jack off on the dead forum all day long

Seriously? Why you gotta try to start shit again? I have seen more post on there from you showing off your awesome SMR… I have been trying to make friends with some people here, and have met a number of them at the lot and LVD. But the guys on Nads are my personal friends, espically Indy. So I dont get why you have to try and start bullshit up AGAIN… Well dude, havent met you and dont plan too. Have a GREAT day

What do you mean again? I posted pictures of my bike on the forum (like I did here) to share the bike and everyone had to have something negative to say. So fuck you guys. :lol

James is a good guy don’t get me wrong, he just needs to keep his internet mouth closed sometimes.

I would personally be butt hurt if some one did not want to meet me

At least he wished me a good day. It could have been worse and he could have wished me a day filled with darkness and gloom.

This is true. I hope your day is filled with darkness and gloom




Nope cause my day has been filled with awesomeness

haha, My day has been filled with amazingness as well. Leo - you’re fucked…

im not butthurt. haha…

I bought the bike for a fair price, and sold the bike for a fair price and was even a nice enough to throw in my jacket and gloves to sweeten the deal for you. Maybe they didnt cost me a lot of money, but im sure you will agree they were both really nice. I even let you borrow a helmet for a few months since you didn’t have one yet and really want to get out and ride right away. I figured since you’re friends with Brian and he vouched for you then you must be decent enough kid, although now i’m questioning my original judgement on all of that.

I didn’t make a dime on the bike, and i’m OK with that. It was a fair and reasonable transaction coming and going. Trust me, I didn’t need to make a dime off the bike, its not like i’m crying poverty… I miss the bike but motorcycles are not for me right now, I needed a more mature and family oriented toy… so I bought a boat :wink:

Cool story, bro.

They don’t make baby seats for motorcycles? :lol

i was waiting for husqvarna to come out with the factory side-car addition but they never came through…


Well this thread is quite pointless.

The baller status quote in Pimpin’s sig is something I said to Nick Rankin so he put it in his sig lol.

<— Trendsetter.

This thread makes us all look like immature retards.