shifter bushing install

does anybody know the best way to install that little crap bushing on the bottom of the shifter??? I just tried to install a new one today and smashed it into a million peices. I thought about filing down the edge a bit… any ideas??

Maybe try warming it up a little so it’s not so brittle. (A LITTLE)

boiling water, let it sit. should do it.
if that doesnt help, which i doubt leave the shifter rod itself in the freezer for 12-24 hours too.

yeah thats a good idea. I’ll grab a couple extras so i can affiord to mess a few up

where can I get these shifter bushings?

dealership, about $12 for it… I’ve never hand an issue putting it on, although I didn’t use a hammer or anything I just put the shifter in a vice and pushed it on with a towel over my hand to prevent any pain lol. block of wood might helpt a little too but stay away from any striking force.

I did the boiling technique and it worked for the bushing and the lower boot. Oakveille nissan got mine for I think 2.40 a pop. Can you get that bushing with the pegs in it??? I still have some acessive play I wanna get rid of and it’s comming from there

crazy ripped off if u payed 12 dollars each…like he said^^^^$2.40

I found the after market ones to be very brittle. I just used the OEM one and smashed it on there, no problems.

thats not right . i used a hammer for my oem bushing i got from nissan and after a few hits it went over the ball fine.

i must have wailed it too hard… just boil it and it goes on real smooth. It works really well for the lower boot too. That thing took some finess

will these OEM bushings work on the sr tranny?

will these OEM bushings work on the sr tranny?