Shipping help

Ok not to sound like a retard but i have never shipped anything and since im parting my car out someone wants to buy my hood. The guy lives in ohio 44275. What or how do i ship this.

with a box!
or drive it there, you’re gonna get raped hardcore w/ shipping

edit: nvm, that wou=ld be like 6hours there n back

freight (sp? it looks wierd as hell…lol)

i actually looked it up, he only lives 4 hours away so i told him for an extra 30 bucks ill drive it there…gives me something to do but to bad he emailed me today bc last week i went to ohio for a set of rims

yea i would just think you would be losing a ton of money by shipping it

tell him hes gotta pay shipping if he wants the hood…

well I figure I’m unemployed and have nothing to do so ill just ask for a lil bit more and ship it or I could tell him its like 100 dollars to ship and act like I shipped it but ill deliver it and be a ups guy and make more money hmm


I"m driving a van to Cleveland tomorrow for work. Swing me that $100 and I’ll deliver it that far for ya…

Also, you’re nuts to drive there and back for $30…

yeah i would do the pretending to ship thing lol. its only gonna be like 35bucks there n back for gas

probably close to 50 with my truck ,figured it out on mapquest gas average thing but if he takes it for the price im asking and then give me the gas money i can care less…its better then stupid craigslist people giving me offers for 100 dollars for the hood

I would definitely build a wood frame around a hood. Chances of it getting there undamaged otherwise are not good. Dont chance losing the money and the hood.