Shirley Phelps on Hannity & Colmes (Part 2)

This Shirley Phelps is fucked in the head…

I know that this isn’t right to say, but fuck it… I hope that bitch is gang-raped, shot, stabbed, run over and beatin into a never ending coma (not all in that order)… ***you can hate gays you can hate war you can hate anything you want, its America. But, She should be slowly killed (it should take months to finally die) for doin what she does…

Everyone hates something in life… but there is no reason to protest @ a funeral… I can’t wait till she protests @ a funeral and someone fights back…

***Disclaimer: im not saying that I hate gays, war or any of that crap… but I do hate that worthless, low life, self absorbed, bible thumping, sign carrying, nasty, 2 legged cum dumpster…

…and as for my spelling… if you dont like it eat my shorts :slight_smile: