Shock dyno in the 518? Where if so?


Longest of long shots, I had to travel or ship em.

wtf is a shock dyno?

Puts a shock thru it’s range of motion to take a variety of measurements.

Let me check with the guy that builds my sled shocks.


i think he might have one…

He does great work too

Measures shock power at the shaft.

Shaft measuring… sounds neat.

I talked to Ian and he gave me info for his guy, lol. Thats the info I PM’d him. The dyno is in NJ thou so no beans!

That’s what I figured, it’s a service that .005% of people in the area would use. I now have the time anyway to ship them as the car is staying here for awhile because Don put the R-SR3 into the Armco hard and is down and out for awhile.

Oof, sounds expensive. in Long Island. Highly, highly recommended for anything shock related. Joe’s son James is now running the show.

Computrack Boston or computrack NYC are long shots but they just may have them.

Still not 518 unfortunately.

I’d be embarrassed to send these dampers to them. They’re Intrax, thermo-valved, way oversprung. Just a generic “QA1” type quality damper that was probably good for street use back in '99 but has little place on this cars now.

I think we discussed this chassis issue in the past(back when I ordered the Motons, which he promptly sold to another GTR owner in Cali upon arrival :crazy)