shooter hates fat people too

Yeah that’s so funny :picard:
You are a fucking idiot, and karmas a bitch it would be soo cool if someone killed someone in your family…

Think before you talk, I wouldn’t mind choking you just because it would be fun.

I lol’d.

I’d be the first one dead

not to be a dick but aren’t you fat?

that’s why id be the first one dead…

You shop at Lane Bryant?

lol. :clap:


If I was fixing a flat tire in the parking lot maybe…

Good one cory… Zap!

Nice post OP…fucking asshole

not to be a dick, but you’re a dumbass.

sweet bro making threats!!!

your a fucking idiot! it was more or less shedding light on the fact that America has yet another mall/school/church shooting. so what i cant add a little eye catcher of the title on the thread to get more people to look?

and im with carl on this im no tooth pick either but im not a fat slob. and i would be one shot at this new great American sporting event of shooting humans in everyday life.

Don’t get me wrong, obese people suck, but laughing at their deaths… meh not so good.

Seriously wtf is funny about that…some women with families were killed, now they leave behind motherless children and grieving husbands…wow that’s soooo fucking funny. You’re a tool. DIAF.

don’t talk to me about being a tool.

you obliviously didn’t read the whole thread.

Easy tigers, they are dead I’m pretty sure they don’t care if you make fun of them. Shit, I’m not even dead yet and I don’t care about what anyone thinks of me. Lighten up or shut up.

i lol’d

I’m a dumbass because I don’t think it’s funny that people with families we’re killed. That makes a lot of sense, use your head before you talk.

Yea it’s so incredibly funny that more people we’re killed for no reason. I’m all for suicide, if you want to end your life by all means do it. Just leave everyone else out of it.

If anyone knew any of these people the thread would have been omg feel sorry for me some piece of shit shot my friend/mom/sister/brother/cousin.

i was saying that because vq30de was indirectly admitting he was fat, but this apparently went way over your head, so you then called him out for being fat.

I’ll bet $1 that you’re referenced as a dumbass because of this:

You had to have a blatantly obvious joke explained to you.


People laugh at death… among much more horrible things on here everyday.

Lets all cry about it.