rant of the day - not car related

RIP - my thoughts and prayers go out to the victims families and loved ones of the Virginia tech shootings.

This drives me absoluelty nuts. Senseless tragedies like this are the reason why I constantly question God and His motives.

I never understood why God takes the innocent as oppose to taking the rapists, the murderers, the serial killers, and those other plagues in our society.

There has been so much pain and suffering and for what? A psychopathic loner who couldn’t deal with life.

This happened a thousand miles away and yet it effects everyone. The moment I heard about it, I couldn’t help but think what if that he been the shcool where one of my loved ones attends?

I couldn’t imagine getting that call.

I have no sympathy for shooter, nor his family, friends, or wellwishers, in this life or the next for that matter.

My only hope is that before taking his own life that he suffered as much as he has caused to so many others.

For anyone who has been watching cnn and other news stations, you know that the shooter was a depraved loonatic, a freak, and an abolsute loser.

The shooter is a coward and a greedy son of a bitch.

What is this world coming to?

Geezus, why is everyone so fucking emo over this?

who gives a fuck, less than 40 people died

do you realize how many people die every day? a lot more than 40. And a lot more than 40 of those people die a lot more horrible deaths than those kids who were shot.

Just because it was made public because its “another school shooting” is why people actually take a second to think about it.

150,000 people die around the world every day. who gives a fuck about these measly 40?

it’s really retarded… i come home and my mum is teary eyed watching the news. She felt like an idiot for even giving two shits by the time I was done with her.

It’s just another statistic. It’s sad for the families and everything but it drives me nuts how ignorant everybody is about what’s really going on around you and you don’t bat an eye - but when CNN pretends something is a bigger deal than it is you all start crying like little bitches.

So… Am I a cold hearted piece or shit? Or am I logical?

You decide :slight_smile:

i agree with part of what your saying

its referred to as the “cnn factor”

but the point remains, these people did not have to die because of the greed of one person

many of the people who die every day die of natural causes

this was not natural

have you ever had an innocent loved one die a tragic, untimely death, becasue of someone else being stupid? I have.

logical - yes
cold hearted pos - yes

now according to your theory, if you are ever gunned down, God Forbid ( i wish you no harm, this is just for theory), and everyone on son talks about how much of a tragedy it is,

i can silence everyone and tell them your just another stat?

halocaust? another stat
african genocide? another stat
world war victims? more stats

stats indeed, but none the less tragic, and senseless

i don’t disagree with the tragic factory, nor the senseless factor.

all I’m saying is that the whole thing is blown out of proportion to frustrating extent.

if i died and the people who knows me (some of SON, I assume) mourn my death - that is acceptable because it’s a personal loss to those people.

i dont have a problem with people mourning the death of someone they love, respect, etc. I do have a problem with ignorance which is all I see when people make a big deal about 40 people.

PS - see this: http://alternet.org/blogs/peek/50682/

awesome link… i agree 100%…

on a lighter note… i bet the MBA programs at VT are going to be veeery cheap in 08… i wonder if they have a law program there.


a true business man!

jammin - good link, well played
i understand how its going to be blown out of proportion and will be for some time to come.

Bing - lol

“the death of one is a tragedy, the death of one thousand is just a statistic”

40 people died? that’s more than how many people died in street racing related incidents in ontario since 1999.

… yes i had to say it.

I was talking to a friend about it yesterday. We discussed how this shooter managed to take down way more people, with way lesser armaments than the Columbine kids, and he was alone. Clearly, the man had baller aim and was getting headshots left right and centre. One can only think what would’ve happened if his entire CS clan was there with him, and they all bought paras.

post i made on another forum:

haha, i love the video game references, it says more about us than it does about him.

on the real though, in light of this video and manifesto… i am just in total awe over this whole thing.

calling him crazy is pointless.

a crazy person, legally, cannot tell the difference between right and wrong… cant string coherent speech together and cannoy effectively communicate by any means.

this guy offs a couple people then makes a video, or had some video already made, and already had pictures… then he write up a USPS express envelope… mosies on down to the post office and sends this shit to NBC…

go to an insane asylum and try and find ANYONE who could do that… you wont find em. try and find one that could even use a computer to figure out where to send the shit… i couldnt even do that.

then you have the kill ratio this guy had… one man, two pistols, 32 kills + 15 partials.

he prolly spent upwards of 200 rounds… reloading like 3-4 times each gun… wtf? a crazy person cant even hold a pencil steady… this guy was reloading with the quickness

then you have the way the media is portraying this guy…

if this dude is sitting in the afterlife watching TV i bet you he is JACKED RIGHT THE FUCK UP right now… he’s probably flexing and posing and dropping non-stop Chappelle show references… he’s rick james’in the shit outta purgatory.

his acts are being sooo over sensationalized that it couldnt do anything but encourage more crap like this.

there was a FBI profiler on CNN last night saying that the best thing the network could do is to take down the photos and videos and foucs on either other aspects of the story or none at all…

i agree entirely.

in fact, the media is playing right into his hands… it’s exactly like Brad Pitt at the end of 7even with a gun to Spacey’s face… BECOME WRATH BITCHES!!!

except its not wrath, its the fact that media / corporations are motivated by profit more than social responsibility and so they cover what gets ratings instead of downplaying his personaility to not encourage this shit. it’s a wonderful irony that they dont even realise they are being used, or do realise it and dont care which is also ironic.

the kind of people that do this and the kind of people that are right now thinking about doing this, are not going to be deterred at all by trying to make this dude out to be crazy… they are already considered crazy and consider themselves oppressed or whatever…

what other way is there to gain the kind of noterierty that this guy has achieved? there pretty much is NO WAY for any reaosnable person to do anything good and get this kind of coverage in a positive light…

it is a power issue, but more sociologically, its a matter of affecting ones environment. It’s why babies cry, its why women argue, its about causing a reaction and making yourself out to be the centre of attention and in a hyper-egotistical way.

i bet there are thousands of young disturbed individuals that are also in awe of this whole thing and are right now planning out how they could do it better.

the kill-count and hit ratio is impressive, but the video is lack luster and i bet the manifesto sucked balls.

there are ways to rationalise this whole thing in your mind, like how this dude seems to have done.

if you get a more intelligent crazy dude to do this it’s going to be a bit more polished with a better video, and its going to get harder and harder to painit these guys are genuinely crazy…

my brother was talking to me about this and saying it would be interesting if the next guys that do this DONT kill themselves…

instead they go to trial, got to jail and when they get their big CNN interview, they are well behaved rational people…

Anderson Cooper will be all: “Why the shit did you do this dude?”

future shooter: " i was really bored… and i could… so i did"

the mentality of these people is pretty much exactly the same as that of the supposed terrorists from seprt 11.

eventually people who have the balls to do this will come to realise that killing innocent people is actually pretty ghey and is nothing more than senseless murder.

if we want to actually try and prevent this type of thing maybe you dont do anything about gun control, instead, you try and make these dudes kill people whose absence on earth will actually make a positive difference… at least then these kind of people become useful.

i bet if someone pulled this shit at an oil-tycoon convention we’d all help him make the video afterwards.

Bing I totally agree with what you’re saying.

However, how does it feel when you have nothing to protect you while some dude just locked up the school and is shooting everyone he sees.

I think everyone should have a gun so that way, people all feel the same and there would be no need to go on a shooting spree.

Put it this way, if you brap someone, you’re gonna get brapped right away.

Hahahaha… I find your overusage of a fictional term to be highly entertaining.

Actually he didnt. If you check out CNN (Yes the site you all hate) there is an eye witness account where the individual plays dead after the shooter enters the room and pops everyone. He then returns and shoots multiple rounds off into the individuals who are either dead or dying. He made sure these ppl died.

The only thing that surprised me is that no one actually rushed him, I know its easy to say, Im sure at the heat of the moment its an incredibly hard thing to do, but after 9-11 if anyone dares to pull a gun on a plane I bet ppl will rush him right away. I would have expected someone to try that with this guy.

Hmm… fair nuff. Well, as Bing said, now the next shooter has a goal set for him. He needs to walk in there, with a Glock, or the CT starting pistol, and get a ton of headshots in order to be the man. Either that or knife someone, that always got mad props in CS.

yeah is some dude could knife down 30+ people he’d be the man for sure

if the next guy is some 6 figure, well educated young guy that is articulate and well spoken and doesnt kill himself… takes the blame and is all… meh whatever… he’d be this guy times elevnty billion…

i mean come on. this guy’s video made him look like an idiot…

i dont watch tv, does anyone have a link to teh video?