Short Notice...

Who: The Boogie Hustlers
What: Valentine’s Day Show
When: Tonight… Doors open at 10:00pm
Where: Club Cafe in the South Side

Real good local band. Our buddy is a guitarist for them. Its always a good time and the South Side ‘shoulnt’ be too too busy tonight. So for those of you who are sick of dinner and a movie- this will be a great event!

it was an awesome time, you all missed out

I had fun at work, playing cowboys and indians with crazy patients who try to piss everywhere but the toilet.


I was at home counting and rolling change :slight_smile:

Awesome show!

RMeals FTW

I baked all day long while being paid to work from home… Muffins and peanut butter cookies. YUM-O

Tonight I get to sit in the crazy patient’s room and babysit. We’re going clam hunting. Last night we went on the great panty raid. I wonder where he comes up with these things :nuts:

:rofl: have fun

Better not let Dom find out some old crazy guy is raiding your panties. :eek4dance

got $80 in quarters